2-1: Merge 1: "Meta Chronicles" - #4 + #28

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As soon as the supernatural and technological dimensions merged, thanks to the soul drive systems, quite a few empires emerged. Each was classified with [charges] in this merge. Max was three in total for each, and was based on supernatural and technological, showing positive and negative values up to the maximum. There were no repeats in each empire, but all the combos were there, but there was always at least one charge per society.

Total Empires(initially): 32,768

There were more specials with the empires that didn't have charges, but the ones with charges were definitely stronger. It was a direct relation between the two, based on this new connected dimension. 

An immediate reaction came from #4 and #28. Both said: "These are MY crystals and MY land." This caused an energy increase of 3000 Deimos in both of them. With the connections between the spirit and the tech, there was a special slipstream tower on a planet in the center of the galaxy that had formed. That galaxy was the center of the dimension. But there was also 12 offshoot galaxies that represented the maximums of all twelve positions of tech and spiritualism as well. The higher the number of charges, the farther back they would be, and there was 4 arms in the universe in that matter, flowing to the middle, and linking like a clock as well. All 13 galaxies looked like a web.

#4 said: "The spirits are not with you. We are simple, we are pure, we are divine."

#28 said: "So what. You and your crystal powers mean nothing to us. We can advance, grow, and assimilate. You, on the other hand, and your crystal supercharging features are a threat."

#4: "You power your buildings, we power the crystals. Your internal, we're external. That seems like an impasse. But we know better. The lands are imbalanced. You can only gain data about what your scanners know, but we have the turf edge."

HQ: "Stop bickering. We merged your dimensions for a reason. Not for war, but teamwork. Look at your lands. Arctic tundra, which means your very logical and enigmatic about your place. It's a place of beauty and wonder. We're thinking that the 2 factors of your dimensions will give us a major clue about these dimensional techs. Tech + Spirit = Transcendence. So, there's a good chance you would be the gatekeepers for these other dimensions. I'm thinking that you ally with each other to power the tower in the center. Bring the most gems to it. Agreed?"

They agreed, it was a brilliant idea. It began almost immediately.

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