Chapter 1 - Holy fanfic grail

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Y/N's P.O.V
I am an orphan. Yeah, look at that, getting right to the point. Anyway, I sneak out of the orphanage as usual because I'm an edgy problem child. As I exit I walk past a sad looking young man, he has bandages around his neck and scraggly black hair, he looked like Levi from attack on titan who hasn't had his daily meth in 3 weeks. A short while in front of him was another man who had hair that looked a bit like Jean from attack on titan, and in that instant I remembered my favourite ship, Jevi and spontaneously began shipping the two since they were moderately close to each other. I, as the edgy teen and stereotypical fanfiction main character, I plug in my headphones and listen to a 10 hour long my chemical romance playlist. The beautiful voice of the lead singer Mr. Whatshisname blessed my ears and my eardrums, giving me eternal happiness. I then, once again, whipped out my Nokia and started typing fanfiction like an exited teacher ready to create a really long homework to their poor, unsuspecting students. Glued to my phone, I didn't notice the blatantly obvious rock sitting in front of me ready to ruin my prime fanfiction-writing state. I then tripped over it like an absolute idiot. "Ah!" I squeaked as I fell over, being surprised by the unmissable, massive rock that had led me to this fallen-over fate. As I looked up I noticed the blonde man had turned around and was looking at me, the smaller one, bumped into him. I saw him jump back and heard muffled apologies and watched as the blonde haired man who was surprisingly handsome walked over to me. He helped me up, like a kind, wonderful person who I could never even think could possibly ever, ever in any dimension hurt a single fly. "Are you ok?" He asked and I replied with an affirmative answer. He smiled and looked at my knee that I had fallen on, which was cut and bleeding. "Oh, you cut your knee, let me take you back to my house I have bandages..."
"No, no it's ok!" I stutter and start to walk away, not wanting to be of a bother,
"No, no it's not ok! I insist to be of help," he smiles sweetly, you also see the Levi crackhead attempt a smile and I couldn't not accept their offer.

I thought that perhaps I shouldn't go off with strangers but I had seen this man a lot walking around and talking to others and he seemed very kind, the sort of person everyone loves. Also there was one section of my mind where it might end up like mystic messenger and he'll lead me to some apartment where I connect with a load of people out of nowhere and organise a party, if that was the case, I'd definitely do Jumin's route because I am the stereotypical fanfiction MC who is edgy and kinky. Even though I only have a Nokia. It is a magical Nokia. A beautiful Nokia. A Nokia that must be protec. Only joking, my phones hardcore and you all know it. Once I cooked it with some bacon and an entire loaf of bread in a deep fat drier and it's still survived to this day! Anyway, that is besides the fact. As the naieve youth I am I follow these two men back to their apartment, my head still buzzing with happiness knowing that they are probably together, not even thinking about the worst that could happen.

I walked into his house not caring about my knee which was probably bleeding furiously since I could feel the blood leaking down my leg like a punctured milk bottle. "By the way," the noodle haired man said from another room, "my name is Sangwoo and next to you is Yoonbum," at the mention of his name, I looked at the Levi crackhead, studying his nervous face. I was a bit confused since he had absolutely nothing to be worried about. "Well, my names Y/N" I say with a smile, "but you can call me whatever the reader's name is," I blurt out.

Sangwoo finally returned with a smile and kneeled down in front of me and wrapped the bandage around my leg. He was so gentle that I simply couldn't possibly even try and imagine him hurting something. He  tied the bandage and got back up. "Thank you..." I said, suddenly nervous. "Hey," he said, "don't you live at that orphanage down the road, I see you walking out of there often, not to sound weird haha,"
"Yeah i do," I responded, "don't worry I don't think you're trying to be creepy," however, I did, in fact find this slight creepy. All of a sudden, a face of realisation struck Sangwoo...

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