Chapter 9 - the final battle

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We have been found out.
It was at this moment we knew, we fucked up.

Sangwoo halted his meditation and stared us both in the eye.
His slimy sight orbs pierced my sight but and almost made me blind.

And, like a person throwing ravioli viciously at someone until they lost touch with reality, Sangwoo threw ravioli at Yoonbum viciously until he lost touch with reality.

"Nooooo!" I screamed as the love of my life lost the life in his eyes and turned into a square of ravioli.

How could he.

How could Sangwoo ruin our lives like this.

Then, I blacked out.

I woke up in a strange, dark place and heard a voice echoing throughout the wet, tomatoey walls.
"Welcome to my crevice," a familiar voice said.
"Y-Yoonbum?" I called out with hope, hoping he was still alive.

"It's me," the voice echoed back, "this is my final message to you before I perish and completely become a piece of ravioli,"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm going to die soon you sodding saucepan" he replied sassily, "I've got to make this quick. You have to defeat wangsoo. You have to get revenge for what he's done to me- being a ravioli isn't fun, you know,"

"But how do I fight him? And how do I save you?" I yell into the darkness, realising I'm slowly sinking into the moist ravioli cave.

"I can't be saved." He replied valiantly, "to get your revenge, you must eat me in my ravioli form, then you will gain the ultimate power and become the true overpowered fanfiction protagonist you are!!"

I felt myself awaking from my slumber, and before I could say anything else to my dead, manky stepdad, I woke up.

My eyes fluttered open to see sangwoos face, and I didn't hesitate to grab the ravioli next to me and shove it in my mouth.


Tastes like jizz.

I felt the power of ravioli coursing through my veins.

"OOOOHHHHHHHH WEEEAHNGLOOOOPAJAJAJA HUUUEEEEEENOOOOOOALALALALALALALA", I screeched, reciting the words that came to my head, whilst looking at sangwoos face which was covered with ravioli juice.

" S A N G W O O, S A N G W O O,"

"YEs y/N"

" E A T I N G R A V I O L I ?"

"N O, Y / N"

"T E L L I N G L I E S "

"N O , Y / N "

" O P E N T H Y F A C E C R E V I C E, W E N C H " I bellowed as Sangwoo was about to give his next answer... but before he could, he sneezed so hard he nutted, vomited and shat himself.

I have won.

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