Chapter 8 - ravioli night

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I was fast asleep, dreaming about Yoonbum's tiny fucking dick while silently crying becuase it was one millimetre long. However, I woke up to the sound of the basement door opening...


It's ravioli night.

Ravioli night came once a week, and was the worst thing to happen in the basement. It was horrific. It was disgusting.
It. Was. Ravioli.

Sangwoo came down the steps in a trench coat as Yoonbum and I sit in silent horror. He opened the trench coat, revealing about fifty pockets filled to the brim with ravioli.

He took a seat on the chair in front of us - as always - and proceeded to eat the ravioli with his hands from the pocket.

Slurping obnoxiously, he murmured, "ravioli, ravioli"

We knew what we had to say... if we didn't we would get a mouth full of cold ravioli and disappointment.

"...what's in the pocketoli" me and Yoonbum spoke in harmony.

Sangwoo continued slurping up the ravioli, a good sign.

I sighed, glad that we had not failed yet. However, it was only the beginning of the night.

Sangwoo proceeded to collect something from the corner of the room.... a yoga ball??

He balanced upon it and began meditating, humming and muttering something about wishing for Barry bee to suck his dick.

Once again, Yoonbum and I were surprised by the strange act that Sangwoo always put on in the middle of ravioli night, however we were glad he hadn't found out about our relationship which was kinda incestuous but also very incestuous.

However, our thinking was interupted by Sangwoo s mumbling becoming far more audible, "what was that, my lord?" He said suspiciously, looking towards us two, "so you're saying that....."

Oh no

".....Yoonbum and y/n....."

O h  n o

"Have not eaten enough ravioli for your liking?"

Oh thank god

"Oh, and they fucked"


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