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Third person point of view~

Yamaguchi woke up to the sound of the alarm ringing, he clicked the snooze button and woke up, he brushed his eyes open to see the sunlight shining out of his apartment.

He stretched his arms and began walking to the bathroom, he took a quick cold shower to help him wake up.

When he finished he walked inside the kitchen to make him some breakfast, he cracked open an egg and cooked some bacon, he poured some orange juice and started eating.

He finished his breakfast and went inside his closet, he grabbed some black jeans, a white shirt with a black  jacket, he wore his black boots and he headed off to the agency.


He locked his car and went inside, he greeted the others and went to the photography room.

"Good morning" Yamaguchi greeted Tsukishima happily.

"Morning" Tsukishima replied coldly.

"Okay, so today we will try to finish as much as we can, I hope we will do a great job today" Yamaguchi added.

This time Kei was modeling for a suit, he went inside the room changed his clothes, some well-known makeup artists came in a took care of his looks.

He steeped in and sat down on top of a block that was colored white.

"Three.. Two .. One" a clicked was heard from the camera, a light has flashed.

"It look really good" Yamaguchi smiled, the picture really looked good.

"Another one, and could you please stand up" He asked, he didn't want to sound rude, he wanted to be nice but he didn't know a way to do it.


After a while they were done doing their jobs, they sat down to rest. It was a really exhausting day.

"Um Tsuk-ki" Yamaguchi splattered he didn't know how to say his name.

"Yea?" Kei sounded confused.

"Sorry I don't know how to spell your name but you did a really great job today, you were amazing" Yamaguchi complimented.

"Thanks" Kei replied coldly.


By the end the day, Yamaguchi headed to his house.

He made himself some dinner, took a shower, and went to bed to rest.


'He didn't seem as rude as hinata said, but he is cold maybe he doesn't like to show his emotions' He thought to himself.

What he didn't know that his thoughts were right, Kei didn't like to show his emotions because he thinks that they will make him weak.

'I should stop thinking I should go to bed'
Yamaguchi went to sleep without realizing that he didn't set up his alarm.

(A/N) : so I'm really sorry my chapters and writing skills are not good 💔. But I'm trying my best, I want you guys to enjoy these stories. if you want to comment on anything just do it, I would really love to read them.

Have a really good day.


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