• Life and Love / Victor / E •

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"No you need to collect the crown to pass to the next level" I told victor, giggling internally at his lack of skills in the gaming department.

"Oh do I?" He asked, running back and forth in the game trying to collect coins.

Being paired figure skaters, Victor and I are always on the ice, testing out new jumps and gliding around all day. However, like he said to me way back when we first met, you need to take time off from your job and prioritise the two L's. Life and love.

I had recalled this afternoon my childhood, when I would sit in my room all day with my siblings and play video games. So I had decided to show Victor what I used to before I started skating.

"And where do I find the crown?" He asked, jumping off a slope onto a different level.

"Past the boss" I said, pointing at a large monsters situated not so far from his avatar.

He engaged in a fight with it, only to lose instantly and drop half his coins halfway across the map.

"Damn it" he yelled, tossing his controller somewhere behind him.

"Hey that cost a lot of money" I said, picking up the little controller as if it was a baby.

I placed it on the table and walked back over to victor. He was still in a silent rage over not being able to defeat the monster.

"You'd never be able to beat that thing in a million years" I chuckled, patting him on the back.

"And you would?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes I would actually. I have a degree in the category of kicking ass in games" I said, wagging a finger at him.

"Well lets see them, I challenge you to a game of mariokart, winner gets to use the nice skates in training tomorrow" he said, his smirk widening.

"Oh you're on" I said, running downstairs and turning on the wii.

He followed quickly, sitting down on the sofa and turning on the remotes, handing me one with a steering wheel.

"Okay which cup should we play?" I asked. In mariokart, there are different cups with four races, our bet was that whoever won the most out of those four won.

"Star cup" he said, scratching the back of his neck. One of his nervous habits. I smiled internally, knowing that he was probably nervous to play me.

We started the first race which I won quickly with ease, even without having played the game in a number of years.

He huffed in a fit of rage at his loss, clicking his fingers and his neck.

"Oh it's on" he shouted, smirking at me.

We both sat in tension waiting for the second race to start, which didn't last very long.

I had a faulty start, which gave Victor an advantage and he won the race.

I turned a deep shade of red in anger as he stood up and did a little victory dance.

"It's not over yet!" I shouted, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him back onto the sofa.

The third race started which I won, and then the fourth which I won.

It was only a minute later when Victor was lying on the floor in a pool of tears. He sat up and sighed in defeat, shaking my hand like a gentleman.

"You've won my dear" he said, standing up and sitting down next to me.

"You know" I said, snaking my arms around his torso. "Tomorrow, you can have the nice skates, I won't be needing them. All I want for you is to be happy" I said, resting my head against his shoulder.

He brought me into a tight embrace and then pulled back to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"You know I'm not liking all this sympathy for the loser" he chuckled, hugging me tighter.

"I love you" he whispered.

" I love you too" I replied.

It was then when I realised that Victor was the only man I needed in my life. Thus completing the two L's.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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