A) "The Best Boyfriend Test"

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  "STOP BUGGING ME!" Tao yelled in perfect English at the people outside his bedroom.

  "What bug? We don't prefer bugs you idiot!" Chanyeol yelled back, rapidly knocking at the door.

"You are the idiot! You didn't even understood my English!!" Tao yelled again.

  "Stop it Dobi!" Kris voice was heard. "And you, Huang ZiTao, enough with your English and stop chickening out. Move your ass out there." he commanded while knocking.

  "No Gege! I don't want to!" Tao stubbornly replied. He was sprawled on his bed, a pillow on his face. He desperately wanted to skip school for today and do nothing.

  Kris sighed. Chanyeol, Chen and him were already standing outside Tao's bedroom door for about twenty minutes, and they still got classes in a few more minutes. Tao was being a stubborn ass in his room, trying to avoid an obvious topic and an obvious person in the case.

  "Well then, suit yourself." he said. "I thought you were manly but...you're being an ass again. Sorry bro." he said. The three of them made fake walking sounds, and stayed silent to wait for his reply.

After a few seconds, they heard a grumble. "Ugh, fine. AND i'm manly gege." Tao said. And just like that, spell's broken, door's opened.


   "Can i at least skip a class involving her?" Tao helplessly pleaded at his hyungs as he walked through the campus.

   "Tao, she's in your every class." Kris reminded.

"Except martial arts class." Chen butted in.

  "I think you've forgotten, but Jihyun regularly comes at martial arts class even though she doesn't belong there, just to give Tao food. Especially nowadays." Kris argued.

  "Argh. You guys aren't really helping." Tao groaned. He was already preparing himself for words if ever Jihyun started a conversation with him later on. He was feeling extremely tensed.

  "Tao," Chen called out with a sigh, already tired of the younger's complaints. "Just what is really the problem? Shouldn't it be better with how things are doing right now?"

  "But i'm courting her!" Tao finally blurted out. Yes, you heard it right. Since the kiss incident, Tao has developed feelings for the girl and decided to court her. He actually thought she would quickly say yes, but Jihyun liked the efforts of courting. So Tao promised to court her in a proper way.

  But the bugs. They are still there. They'll never disappear from their lives. It gives the Wushu boy a harder time to get closer to her.

  "Aish, don't be too worried about it!" Chen answered. "Just act naturally! Show her how much you love her! Easy pissy."

  Tao glared at the older guy. "Easy for a dinosaur to say."

  "Yah!! You Namek guy!" Chen blurted out. Chanyeol and Kris started laughing madly.

  "Okay, enough with that. Go to your class now Tao. No skipping." Kris gave him a firm stare, and he unwillingly nodded in return before they all separated to go to their own classes.

  "They don't have any idea how hard this is." Tao said to himself before walking through the hall, ignoring the girls' squeals as he passed by.


  Tao gave Jihyun a small smile as he nervously passed by her seat. Jihyun couldn't help but blush, and Tao fought the urge to walk to her and kiss her. She was just so, freakin' cute in his eyes.

&quot;Stop BUGging Me! 2&quot; [EXO Tao Twoshot]Where stories live. Discover now