B) "Test Results"

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  "Tao-ssi? A-are you alright?" Jihyun gave the male a worried glance as he tried to stay awake for History class. It had been two days since he acted like a nerd and stayed up late at night to study Math. Even though he didn't really learned anything, he still got a few hours of sleep, thinking about Jihyun.

  "Yeah, i'm fine." he groggily smiled at her. He's not really blaming Jihyun for bringing him into this state, never. You wouldn't call it love if you blame things to your dearest person. Besides, everything that is happening is a choice. And he knows that if he passed this test, he'll be the happiest man in the world.

  Thinking of himself and Jihyun wearing couple Panda headbands while his eleven, cocky bestfriends staring at him in pure envy is already enough to give him determination.

  He's perfectly fine.

  "You don't look like that though." Jihyun whispered when their teacher turned to write some lectures. "Don't worry. I'll just lend you my lectures later on."

  Tao groaned inwardly. Has she forgotten the test she had given him? Seriously, she's too kind to care.

  Tao shook his head, suddenly feeling an energy boosting from his insides. To his surprise, his sleepiness started to slip off, too. "No Jihyunah. I need to study hard for myself. For my parents. And for you of course~" he cooed, giggling when he saw Jihyun blush. "Now if you'll excuse me, i have a ton of lectures to write..."

   He is totally amazed on how big is Jihyun's effect to him.


  "Ooh~ someone's got dark circles!!" Chanyeol singsonged as him, Baekhyun, Tao and Luhan waited for the others at the gates.

  Tao gave him a bored look. "It's natural, you asshole."

  Chanyeol scoffed. "Oh, i forgot. I meant darker circles."

  Tao is too tired to argue, actually. When Jihyun disappeared from his sight, he lost energy again. It was like she was his energy. He can feel the stress from two sleepless nights again.

  But wrestling somebody relaxes him, too.

  "Sorry, but you're being too annoying now, Chanyeol hyung." he immediately tackled the horrified male to the ground.

  "Finally. Chanyeol has met his match!" Baekhyun laughs as he watched the two having a wrestling competition.

  Luhan sighed. "Is that the effect of forced studying though?"


  "It will consume longer time if i continued focusing on this number all along." Tao frowned as he rested his head on the couch. "I should do multi-tasking and open the next number." he said as he reached out for his bag.

  "Tch. Too eager to be a boyfriend huh?" Kris chuckled as he watched his younger friend frantically rummaging through his bag in search of the test paper. The younger didn't answer and opened item #3 instead:

  3) The best boyfriend has the manners of a human.

  Tao scrunched his face in confusion. "What the heck does this mean?!"

   Kris laughed at his pal as he sat back on the couch beside him. "She's amazing. She got good vocabulary."

  "Well i don't freaking understand how genius she was!" Tao huffed, almost forgetting he's talking about Jihyun.

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