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271- Where The Wind Goes

272- Where The Wind Blows

273- The Tree Blossom Tree ( By My School)

274- The World Without You Here ( Like this old woman is a hermit? and then a boy and his family moves in. The boy's mom knocks on the old woman's door and leaves a gift after waiting for an answer, even though the old woman was there, for 30 minutes. The boy goes over, annoys and bugs the old lady to open up, she does, she's 74 and she was alive when Vietnam happened and stuff. Her husband died twenty years before and the only thing she remembers him by is the garden and pictures bc her memory is fading of him. And the old woman and boy make friends and for ten years their friends and the old lady's family left her behind after her husband's death and her great grandchild was being born and she never saw all  her grand children. She ends up dying that year and the boy is there ( he's 18 at the time ) and the family comes in, he gets mad and tells them to live and the old lady was all like "Don't waste your youth, if you love someone, tell them, because if you don't you'll regret it, and make sure you make the best off all memories and stuff and the boy goes by her words for the rest of his life and when he gets old, he tells his grand children about her or something )

275- The Rat And The Cat

276- A Love Of The Loveliest Loves

277- The Death Of A Blue Jay

278- Lets Live

279- In The Rain (Our Love Starts)

280- Tell A Story To Me

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