
943 16 4

351- I'm Sorry ( I'm No Longer Your Friend )

352- The Hole In Her Heart ( two people love/are friends and they were really close once, now they're not. And when they parted ways they "left a piece of them" with the other person.)

353- The Thought Of Flying ( On Dragons )

354- Jack's Cabin

355- Helen's Sycamore Tree

356- Loving Wonder ( Like someone is named Wonder and someone loves them but they are kinda difficult or something? Or they have a crush on Wonder that is much more and they wanna get with Wonder.)

356- Venture The Lands

357- The Best Friend ( Two bffs. One is short and pretty, the other is tall and ugly to most people, but one day, the tall one meets a short and considered ugly person who is like the tall one, having a prettier friend. They fall in love and stuff but face a few problems on the way.)

358- Bff's Bff ( Best friend's boy friend forever) ( Alternate title for 357)

359- The Tree's Words ( A girl/boy can hear the trees talk. They say that humans have been deaf since the start, and that only one person every thousand years can talk to trees and hear them.)

360- The Willow's Wisdom

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