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Woooooooooo!!!!!! The End guys! You can tell I'm very happy. Teen Us has...uh...I don't know the reads, but it was a lot. Like, a crazy number. But, I couldn't have done it without you. Here are some of my friends that I couldn't have done it without.


She is a huge trooper. She's given me characters, given me ideas, and was there when I felt like quitting.


She was there when I was really down and taught me that friendship can overcome competition at any rate.

Those are just a few of the many that have stay with me throughout the entire journey.

Book title... What to name the next. I got this idea from another Wattpader, but they're still on the 2nd book. Divergent397 said to name it 'The Dark Within Us', but I'm still not sure. Comment below what you think it should be. But. But, but, but, but, but. It needs to have Us somewhere in it. :3

Soooo, anyways, I hope you liked Teen Us! BD out! 😘

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