Inseparable (part 1)

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It was near the end of the school year, and their 3rd year of high school became a breeze for Jiho and Kyung. Their grades were around average to above-average, although Kyung was known to be a little more studious. They were semi-popular as well, as the two were a pretty outgoing pair (but Jiho was more popular with the girls). Both were on the varsity soccer team, and they enjoyed the adrenaline rush that every game brought. Overall, their high school experience was very idealistic and easy-going.

Within the student body, they are known as "The 3rd year duo" because of how inseparable they are. Every school year, they always had at least 3 classes together. At lunch, they always sat next to each other rather than next to other friends. For class projects, they always made sure they were teammates. And if someone out of the pair had something to do after school, the other half of the duo would wait for them outside of school. They were definitely "birds of a feather."

The school year was inching more and more near exams week: the most stressful time for everyone at school. Kyung and Jiho sat with their usual group of friends at lunch, talking about regular high schooler topics over their homemade lunches. Their senior friend, Taeil, raked his hands through his hair in frustration. "Aaaaaahh!! I can't make it through this damn school year! Entrance exams are coming up and I'm not ready!" Taeil said in a semi-yell. Everyone laughed at their elder's frustration, but on the inside they were all worried about their exams too. The other senior at the table, Minhyuk, banged his head on the lunch table and sighed harshly. "Don't even talk about that right now dude. I've been cramming for the exam for two months. I'm already fucking brain dead."

"Speaking of cramming, are you going to cram school again tonight?" Their friend Yukwon asked Kyung, who was drinking from his water bottle.
"Yeah, I don't want to miss a day," He replied cooly. "Same. I'll just walk with you there then," Yukwon said, as he took a bite out of his sandwich.
"I'll walk with you guys, too. I don't want to walk around alone," Jiho added, looking up from his phone.
"Jiho, you always go with them to cram school, so why don't you just stay and study with them there, too?" Their other senior friend, Jaehyo, questioned from across the lunch table.
Jiho shrugged his shoulders. "Don't really need to. My exam results always come out good anyways, even if I don't study that hard."

"Ughh, you're so lucky! I wish I had the brain and the motivation to study at all!" Complained  their 2nd year friend, Jihoon.
"Well you should go to cram school more regularly. Plus, you can study with a lot of hot chicks there, like Kyung do-" Yukwon snickered, as he was elbowed in the side by Kyung.
"Oh shut up, I do not." Kyung defended. Yukwon went on the offense; "Oh, so are you saying Jung Eun-bi isn't cute?"
Everyone at the lunch table Oohed at Kyung, obviously poking fun at him. Jiho just sat there astonished. He didn't know Kyung had some 'lady friends.' Usually Jiho was the one who mostly talked to girls. He was interested with the conversation.
"Are you serious?! You study with Jung Eun-bi?!! She's like the cutest girl in this whole school!" Jihoon exclaimed in disbelief.
"Not to mention, she's one of the runner ups being considered to be valedictorian!" Jaehyo said in awe.
"Guys it's not like that! I just like studying with her cuz we get along well. Our grades are almost the same, so talking about school work is easy. Unlike with Yukwon where it's like talking to a brick wall!" Kyung defended, satisfied at the insult he hurled at his friend.
Everyone cackled at the joke made about Yukwon, which made him scoff jokingly.
"Whatever! I don't need to study with YOU anyways!" Yukwon ended in defeat, taking a big gulp of his juice.

"Well, aside from is Friday, right? How about we go to that underground club everyone's been talking about on Saturday? It'll help us take our minds off exams" Minhyuk suggested to the crowd of boys. "It's also the same day as the freestyle rap battle. Anyone can get in the ring and spit somethin" Minhyuk continued, specifically looking at Jiho. Jiho smirked at the suggestion; "Sounds tempting" He said while holding his chin, pretending to be in thought.
"Hold on, aren't we suppose to be 21 and older to get in??" Taeil said in confusion.
"Naw dude. I know the bouncer for the club. He said he can get us in" Minhyuk said nonchalantly.
"Well ok then! Sounds like a plan to me!" Jihoon said ecstatically. Everyone agreed in unison.
"And Jiho can finally show off his talents to the world! He might even be scouted!" Jaehyo exclaimed proudly, as if Jiho were his  overachieving son.
"Oh come on, I'm not that good.....ok maybe I am" Jiho confidently said, making everyone snicker.
"Don't be such a show off!" Kyung laughed, pushing Jiho's shoulder away from him.
"Hey! You just touched a future star! You ought to be arrested for assault!" Jiho said over dramatically. Kyung just rolled his eyes, and everyone else started to clean up and get ready for their next class.

After school had the same routine. Jiho would wait for Kyung outside of his class. When Kyung came out they'd start walking out of school and make up some random raps. They'd either walk to the convenience store or Jiho would walk Kyung to cram school, depending on the day. Today was cram school day.
Along with Yukwon, they made their way to cram school. Yukwon yawned in exhaustion. Jiho followed in suit.
"I don't really want to go, but my parents will get mad if I don't" Yukwon mumbled out.
"It'll only be for a few hours, you can manage!" Kyung said encouragingly, although he mentally admits he finds it boring.
"What's with you being so energetic? Or are you just excited to talk to Eun-bi~?" Yukwon questioned in a suspicious tone.
"Ok, would you stop with that? Me and her are just study buddies, that's all" Kyung groaned. The only thing he got from his response was Yukwon wiggling his eyebrows, as if he were saying "ya, right"
"To be honest, I've never seen this Eun-bi chick before. Is she really all that?" Jiho asked from behind the two, trying to keep up. To be honest, he was worried that she might actually be all that.
The building was just up ahead, and the three boys slowed their pace. In the distance, the 3 can see an outline of a girl in front of the building doors.
"I dunno. You can judge for yourself, cuz she's right in front."
Jiho took a look. He saw a girl with youthfully pretty facial features. Her hair was in a short bob that was perfectly straight, yet curled in at the ends. Her height wasn't too short, yet wasn't too tall. Overall, she was sure as hell cute. He started getting nervous.
"She's pretty cute" Jiho mumbled.

As the boys made their way towards the doors, the girl looked up, almost astonished.
"O-oh, hi Kyung! You're here with Yukwon and um..." the girl paused as she tried to think of who the third person was.
"It's Jiho. Nice to meet you" Jiho said with a small smile.
"Hello, Jiho. I'm Jung Eun-bi. I usually study with Kyung." Eun-bi smiled at Jiho, making him think of how she's definitely prettier up close. He got more anxious.
"Haha, so I've heard."
Jiho saw Eun-bi getting flustered at his comment.
'Guess she's surprised that Kyung has talked about her' he thought.

Yukwon looked at Eun-bi in confusion.
"Why were you outside, Eun-bi? Were you waiting for us or somethin?" Both Kyung and Jiho looked towards her for an answer. Her face turned red in embarrassment from all the staring.
"I-in a way, yes.." she looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact, especially Kyung's.
Kyung chuckled at the sudden gesture.
"Hehe, thanks for being patient and waiting for us then." He patted Eun-bi on her head, making her red as a tomato. Jiho stared at the sudden gesture. Then suddenly,


Jiho's heart suddenly sank.

He grabbed onto his chest, almost clawing at it. He bent his body down so the pain wasn't so concentrated.
'W-what? ..what the hell is this?' His heart felt like it was about to rip out of his chest.
Yukwon took notice of the this and put his hands on his back and chest, trying to help him stand up straight.
"Woah! are you okay? Do you need a doctor?"
Jiho looked up at him, trying to make the pain subside.
"N-no...I'll be fine. Just a little heartburn, that's all."
The other three looked at him with deep concern.
"Well...alright. If you say you're okay, you're fine." Kyung sighed with relief.
To get their minds away from the incident, Jiho changed the subject.
"So...what's cram school like?"


Yukwon looked at his phone in the middle of their conversation.
"Shit, it's getting late. If we don't get in now they'll close the doors on us."
The three cram students said their goodbye to Jiho, leaving him outside to watch their backs go deeper into the lit building.

Jiho put his hands in his pockets and gave a long sigh.
"What the hell was that..why was I so fucking antsy the whole time?" Jiho took out one of his hands and ran it through his hair agitatedly.
He took out his headphones and plugged them into his phone, where he started playing some music. He started walking down the stairs and suddenly stopped in the middle. He looked up at the night sky.
'Huh. There's more stars out than usual.'
He secretly wished on the brightest star, asking it to stop the weird feelings in his chest.

He pulled the hood of his sweater over his head, and continued walking home into the night.

Lmao this sucks but I'm trying to upload more cuz I didn't for a while so lol
I'll change it around later

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