Summer morning

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It was the next morning.
Jiho barely slept a wink.

He groggily sat up in his bed. He looked out the the window.
The sun had started to peak, and rays of sunlight slowly made its way through the room.
He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Damn, it's already morning?" He groaned to himself.

He threw himself back into bed and hid under the covers from the incoming sun rays.

He felt around his pillow for his phone, which was hidden underneath.
He flipped his phone to look at the time.

5:47 a.m.

'For real?'

He was about to close his phone until he realized he had 13 messages and 10 missed calls.

'How'd I miss all these calls?....oh yeah, my phone was on silent..'

He scrolled through the messages, noticing they were all from Kyung.

'FUCK! He probably thought that I was ignoring him...'

He debated whether or not to call him back.

'He's probably really pissed, so maybe not...'

He thought about it for a while.

'Ah, screw it! I really need to apologize..'

He mentally prepared himself for possible scolding and yelling.
Nervously, he pressed the call button and awaited his fate.

The line beeped for a couple seconds until he heard it get picked up.


Jiho jolted and sucked in his breath.
'God! Kyung sounds so cute when he's tired!'
He finally accepted that he liked his best friend. Now he can finally admit to himself that anything Kyung does was adorable to him, rather than suppress these thoughts.

"A-ah, Kyung!..It's me..."

The line went silent for a couple seconds.

"...Jiho, YOU IDIOT! Don't you realized how freaking worried I was?! I thought you would never speak to me again!" Kyung exclaimed, basically screaming into the phone.

Jiho jumped a little from the loudness. He took a deep breath.

"Kyung, I'm really sorry. I acted like a dipshit last night. I was just-"
Jiho started thinking about what he was going to say next.

'Wait. I can't just say "sorry I was mad! I was just mad that you're dating Eun-bi cuz
I'm madly in love with you!" He'd think that's totally weird!'

His mind was boggling to find an on-the-spot answer.

" were just what?"

'Damn it!'

Jiho sighed and looked out his window. The sun had fully come out and began to blind him.
He squinted his eyes.

"...Actually, Kyung. Can we talk face-to-face right now? I want to see you personally."

"..You'll have to bribe me to come out first."

"Fine. I'll buy you a drink at the café if you agree to see me."

The line goes silent again.

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