The Signs At The Carnival

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Aries: beating everybody at the games and then going home with a bunch of toys

Taurus: standing at the freakishly long lines at the food stands

Gemini: going on a riding spree with Aquarius

Cancer: trying not to get lost

Leo: going through the fun house and admiring himself/herself in all the mirrors

Virgo: looking for cancer because they failed at not getting lost

Libra: trying to win a goldfish even though its going to die within a few days

Scorpio: is hiding in a dark place because they hate crowds

Sagittarius: trying to beat aries but is failing miserably

Capricorn: going it alone and doing literally everything

Aquarius: going on a riding spree with Gemini

Pisces: just walking around and taking in all the sights

I forgot to mention that all of this is made by me so i am most likely going to offend some peeps 😓

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