the crood and the black's....

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''god danny do you ever shutup?'' I Asked slightly mad at him.

''NO'' daniel answered ,winking.

''guys cut the crap. its intermission already.what do you all want?" drake said cutting our fight.

"2 chickennburgers and fries and cold drink will work'' daniel said still looking at me and giving his sexy signature smirk.this guy's sexiness will kill me someday.

"that's it??!" drake said sarcastically


''yeah...'' daniel said giving him a death glare.

''what do you want ela?"

uh  ela? something's wrong.he never calls me that.I need to talk to him aboutt his later.

''oh umm- chocolate molten fudge icecream will work,2 for me please

yeah ,'too'much.


shutup danny!

and why should I?

because I said so

stupid reason.

not as stupid as you!

daniel tried to hide his laugh.  poor him I see that already.

get over that dialogue.its stupid.

'not as-...'

"stupid as you'" josh said.




where's drake? I asked ignoring danny.

I don't kn-daniel said but siv cuts him off saying..

''there he is" pointing towards the last seat.

drake wait I'll come!

''no need ela ..its cool'' drake said fake smiling at me

okay.this is totally killing me.he's my bf! uh! I mean bestfriend. why is he doing all this?.


'thanks' I muttered. and looking at drake who's avoiding eye contact and grabbing the icecream.yum!

the movie is already at its end and daniel irritated me through the whole movie.but pity at myself and laugh sometimes was the only thing I could do.siv is talking to josh and im  here sitting between these two idiots. one who's constantly ignoring me and one who's annoying me.



bitbusy! I know I said that the next chapter will be having daniel and drake'sPOV. Sorry! next time *grins*

story on hold!

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