Chapter 2

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Eren watched the human drift to sleep and sighed softly before climbing down the tree that it and its clan had suspended themselves into. Eren looked up at the human clan and huffs in approval of their idea to stay above the ground, he turned away going toward home, when he slipped into the grove he had to step over Ymir before curling up beside his half brother.

Eren stayed awake looking at the dark sun, its weak light gave no liable energy and he started to squirm, his movements wakened the beast and Eren next found himself being smothered by Zeke, Eren groans and tried to squirm free but his brother only gripped him harder until he relaxed.

Eren spent the next day crushing a deers femur between his teeth angrily watching Zeke and Ymir being actually functional people and cleaning the dying tree leaves out of the grove. Eren was to angry to be a working titan right now, he is too angry, he couldn't leave their grove as the humans had got to close and he could smell them, it's not that the three of them didn't not want to go outside they were scared to, they had lost their whole clan to the humans the first time they left their strange cages. Eren had hated the tiny creatures till yesterday. he stopped his loud crunching to focus on the memory of the brown haired human using their steel teeth to break him free and even trying to calm him.

Eren closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "fuck this I'm out!" He stood up and walked toward the grove entrance kicking leaves along. After several minutes he could hear the other two running after him and he smiled to himself and waited for his big brother to take the lead instead.

((I completely forgot about this I'm sorry Its short but I'm off to write chapter 3 :)

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