Finally waking up.

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You were in a deep sleep, until you were awaken by the alarm of your phone.
You groaned as you reached to turn it off, you realized you were still on the floor where your dad left you.
You sat up and cracked your back.
Looking around you suddenly felt a throbbing pain pierce your left eye, making you hiss in pain. You lifted up your hand to hold your eye, as you got up off the floor and made your way to the bathroom. Walking in you inspect your face.
"That's a black eye alright" you said to yourself. It was purple and bruised, wasn't swollen that much, must of been due to the cold floor. You stumble around the house for your things. The house was silent and dim, your dad must be sleeping.
"Jeez what time is it?"
You look over to the dimly lit clock on the stove.
"Shit I was out for a while.."

(Maybe cuz the author never updated lmaoo)

You sigh and walk back into the living room, sitting down on the beat down brown couch your dad never bothered to replace. Crossing your arms you reminisce on what just happened, a ringing noise still running through your head. Looking back at the face of your dad towering over you, you kind of saw young Mike, and how he used to do the same. But then completely changing to him now, reaching for you. A soft expression on his face.
You can feel your face become hot.
"Are you serious flustered over this guy!?? He shows the bare minimum of concern towards you and you're already weak in the knees!?"
"Get a fucking grip"
You murmur to yourself.
You slouch forward, pieces of hair falling on your face, running them back with your hand, you quickly stand up and make your way to your room to get ready for Freddy's .
(Small little fast forward brought to you by the author)
You button up your jeans after tucking in your fazbear security guard shirt, your black tie hanging loosely around your neck.
Taking the security hat of your uniform off your dresser you make your way out of your room.
Opening the door to find your father standing at the entry way. You jolt in surprised at his sudden presence, he leans against the frame of the door looking down at you.
"Off to work..?"
You smile nervously and nod, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, while gripping the hat in the other hand.
"Yea, dad I-
He interrupts you.
Leaning in placing a hand on your left hip, while the other wraps around your back, pulling you into a hug he softly sighs.
"You know I don't want to be rough with you baby girl. But you and I both know you're mine.."
You tense up in his arms, the stench of alcohol and cigarette invade your sense of smell. He's drunk.
He continues.
"Those bruises are warnings, to show any guy you already belong to someone.! And I won't let anyone get you away from me. Ok?"
Pulling his hand off your back, he takes a hold of your chin turning your face as he leans in closer to smell your hair. Finally pulling away and kissing your forehead.
You tremble a bit, and refuse to look at him. You feel sick to your stomach.
He then stumbles his way down the hallway and back to his room.
You quickly make a run for it to the front door, slamming it behind you as you're now outside.
"What the fuck was that.."
You couldn't believe what just happened.
You're father was a piece of shit but he never took this kind of approach,and frankly it scared you even more.
Your phone alarm then goes off again, meaning there was only 30 mins left till your shift started. You look at the screen of the phone to see a message from Jeremy.
Jeremy: Hey (y/n)! I won't be able to make it to my shift tonight. My cat is sick and I need to take him to the emergency vet! But don't worry you won't be working alone! Mike agreed to take my shift. So everything will be fine! Text me at 6am to know of everything went good!

"Fucking hell.. can this night get any better?"
You go to your camera and  touch your eye slightly the concealer seems to be doing its job in hiding the bruise.
Welp no point in whining. You have a job to do. And Mike can't possibly do it alone right!?? No yea, work seemed like a safer option then staying home.
No doubt about it.
Building up the courage you start to make your way toward Freddy's hoping tonight will be an easy night.

(Heyyy... heyyy🤓 How y'all doing? 😅 WHEW-WEE ITS BEEN A HOT SECOND HUH??? Almost feels like years lol....... Well! I was finally checking back in on this account and I saw that this chapter was halfway written so I decided to finish it up and update this book to see if anyone was still interested in it. I am so sorry for disappearing. Life just happens you know and now it's crazy to see that my books are still alive and kicking so I think? I've gotten so many messages of people asking me if I would ever like update this book again and if I was OK or if I was alive, rest assured, I am still alive. and I am so touched by all these messages, and how my writing was able to help a lot of you with serotonin and yes, I've gone through a lot of my other books, and noticed that my literacy was straight dog water and I did not know how to spell😂🤣 nonetheless, I love these books very much because they are a part of my childhood and a part of my love to make stories and I wouldn't change anything about them. I'm still curious to know if you guys are still interested in these. if anyone is still reading L O L so yeah, just let me know if you guys are really still interested. I could finish this book up for you guys or continue to bring you updates. i'm still getting a feel for how I wanted this to all go because it literally has been years since I've written this story. But just to re-introduce myself. Hi, my name is JenniJenn, FNAF is still a part of me, like omg the movie is finally coming out lol. I am now 22 years old when I was writing these books I was actually 13 years old so it's been a while and thank you again for bearing with me and enjoying what I was putting out. if you're reading this, thank you if you ever enjoyed this thank you let me know and hopefully I will not die anytime soon and give you guys the updates if you want them. Thank you again LUV you all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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