Locked Away

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I must have been gawking at him when he shook me lightly. I snapped right back into reality and there it was again, a pair of emerald green eyes that seemed to pierce right through my soul.

I shook my head in confusion, why were they familiar? It's like I've seen them somewhere. But that wasn't what was important right now. What's important was the fact that this man, whoever he was, was gripping me a little too tight for a stranger. I tried to move and attempt to wiggle my way out of his hold but it was futile. Frustrated, I groaned and spoke a little too loud.

"Excuse me! First, get your hands off of me. That's no way to treat a stranger you just met. Second, what's yours? What is yours? I don't have it! Now, let... go... of... me!" He loosened his grip so I managed to push him a few inches away. I could feel the blood returning to its natural flow where he tried so hard to hold me. The rain started to pour heavily but I couldn't get myself to move to find shelter. Not that there was any within half a mile away. 

He snorted and raised both his hands in surrender. "Okay, my bad. Let me rephrase it. That box that you're holding? It's mine, so give it back."

"Tsk. I'm sorry, but this box? That you just happened to leave semi-buried in the sand and what grasp a total stranger and say some weird creepy line? Do you even know what this is?" I held and shook the box before him.

He snorted and laughed sarcastically. "Right, lady. That box that you just happened to be holding right now? That's the Diana. I got it for my fiancee. But she dumped me last night, right there. By that beach. Do you get me now?" He looked a little annoyed and was tapping his left foot on the now wet sand. Raising an eyebrow at me, he snatched the box out of my hand leaving me a bit perplexed as to why I'm this... speechless?

"Thank you." He said sardonically and turned leaving me in total disbelief. I watched as he walked away. This man was about six foot four? He was tall. From my point of view, it looked like he had a lean body the way he cast his shoulders underneath all that suit and walked confidently even with his current demeanor as if he knew that the world was in awe just watching him. He was that type of guy. A guy who knew that he could get away with anything. And by the looks of it, he was rich as well. I mean, the Diana isn't just  for anybody and carelessly leaving it on the beach was something that was in contrast as to how any average Joe would have dealt with a rejection. But he came back for it, he must've thought it was a total waste to leave it here. I would. That was the last piece if he knew well enough. 

Lucas was whining now and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the dog. I took one last look at the man. He was nearing the road now with a black sedan waiting for him. His driver got out of the car and ran to let him in the backseat. But before he got in, I thought I saw him take one last look at me and sighed. His face was sad. He looked down just before he got in and the car drove away. I felt sad. It must have been hard for him to be rejected like that. I couldn't blame him for being so angry. So I turned to leave as well, with a heavy heart.

As soon as I arrived home the rain started to stop. Great. Now I have to go shower again. I gave Lucas a good towel down before I ran towards the bathroom. I let the hot water run while I sat on the toilet and thought about what happened earlier. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen this man before. Paia has always been a small coastal town here in Hawaii and I knew most of the locals since we always came here before, well, Dad anyway. He must be a tourist or something. But then again, why is it my business anyway? Maybe I just felt too sorry for him? Ugh. This is annoying. I tapped both my cheeks and stood up. Where's that bath bomb I bought last week? I opened the vanity cabinet and saw the box. This should be good. I dropped the ball into the tub and waited until it was ready. All this fizzling is lightening up my mood already. I made a mental note to head back to the town center to buy more of these.

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