MARCH 2, 2018
She took the long way home that night.
The way that consisted of dark alleys, flickered pole-lights, and sketchy looking houses. Yeah, that route. She figured the longer she took the better she'd feel, plus she didn't mind the rain.
Tugging on her arms, she ventured through the night with a expressionless face. Luckily, the alleys were empty and she had time to ignore her paranoia and just. . . think.
She liked to think.
Well, about anything but him.
She hated him.
And that hate takes her a long, long way. He is the chapter she had closed. She knew she didn't need his opinions, his personality and especially his face.
Then why is she crying?
A bitter laugh left her lips when she reared her house. Tears rolled down her pale face and she thought;
At least it's raining. I'm not crying alone after all.
Short StorySTEP ONE; approach with caution. STEP TWO; reach out slowly STEP THREE; Say its okay STEP FOUR; Pick rose up STEP FIVE; display rose and watch rose wither away ___ She was broken. Could she be broken anymore?