Be Safe

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“Ma’am? Are you okay? You’ve got blood all over your shirt.”

“It’s not real, do not worry.”

“You’re awfully nice to these humans.” Daniel’s arm slithered around my waist, pulling me into his side.

“We have to try to blend in, I don’t feel like moving towns again.”

I slightly cringed as his claws dug into my ribs. “Don’t bring up the past unless you wish to relive it.”

Endure another broken back and head injury?

It almost seems worth it.

“I’m going to the library, I’ll see you later.”

“You better stay away from that little bird.”

I’d rather be alone than with either of you.

I kept my eyes on the ground as I walked, avoiding the gaze of the other creatures.

Only when the chanting began did I lift my eyes, finding the source.


“Where is it? We need it’s fang.”

Beginners, they have no idea how to use their powers yet.

“You need a fang? From a vampire?” I smiled sweetly as they jumped. “What are you supposed to be? Witches? Don’t you know that shit’s all fake? Grow up.”

“Be on your way little human, we’re busy.”

If only I were human.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

Another lycan.

“You’re on my property witches, leave, before I use force.”


“The wolf!”

“Get him!”

Instantly my form altered, taking some features of the wolf.


Growling lightly I heeded his warning.

“Another? How?”

“How did we not notice?”

Terrified, they backed away, keeping a watchful eye.

“You’re in public, change back.”

“Brother, what are you doing here?” I asked, shaking my hair.

“Father told me to come check on you. You know how overboard he can be.”


“This neighborhood, is now ours.”

Oh for Pete sake.

Maybe I do need to move after all.

Wait, the library is in this neighborhood.

“Well, it was good to see you. I’m going to read now.”

“Be safe.”

“And you as well.”

He’s going to follow me wherever I go.

I will never be alone.

“Hello Savannah.”

“Hello Jess.”

A goblin.

No threat.

He’ll leave her be.

“Hello friend.”

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