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****Grace's POV****

It's been a week since the reunion and I've slowly been getting myself back to work. Dom has settled back down in Manchester and thrown himself back into club appearances. We've spoken as much as we can but I can see the distance is straining our relationship.

I decided to wear a black top and a midi silver pencil skirt.

I was sat at my desk doing some work when my assistant came in with a parcel in her hand.

"This just came for you." She said and placed it on my desk. "Looks like a present to me."

"Thanks." I said and watched as she walks out nephew opening it up to find a single rose in the bottom of the box with a little note. "Grace you're my whole world and I can't wait for you then be back in my arms."

"Ohh Dom." I said and got my phone out to send him a text.

Grace: Thanks for the Rose. I can't wait for you to be back in my arms either xx

I for back to work and was going through my emails when he text me back.

Dom: What are you on about?

Grace: That rose you sent me with the little note. Stop acting dumb about it.

Dom: I honestly don't know what you're on about. Maybe you have a little someone on the side.

Grace: You know that I don't have anyone. Just admit it, stop being embarrassed 😂

Dom: It's funny how you find this hilarious yet you're being outed right now. Go back to work and seeing that man.

"Why is he so frustrating?" I whispered.


I made my way out of work and decided to go to my parents house and found them both in the living room, along with Tom.

"How was your day love?" My mum asked.

"It was going well until I got this little parcel with a rose and a little note. And before you presume, no it wasn't Dom and now he thinks I've got some man on the side of him."

"Why would he think that?" Tom asked.

"I don't know. I just thought it was him and then he went off on me for thinking it was him. Like I don't know what was wrong with him. He basically accused me of cheating on him."

"Have you given him reason to think this before?"

"Not that's why I'm so confused. If Dom didn't send that rose then I don't know who would do." I explained. "I can only presume it's a crazed fan."

"It's probably just the distance getting to his head." My mum said.

"Can I stay hear tonight? I don't want to be on my own."

"Go and have a nice soak and then have a good sleep. You'll both be able to sort this out better with a clear head."

"Thanks mum."


I woke up the next day in the comfy sheets of my old bed, which my mum insists on clean every time I say there. Whoever claimed that you slept better in a fresh bed was true, I hadn't slept this long in ages.

I noticed from the side of me, that my phone was buzzing like mad and lighting up every couple of seconds.

"What the heck?" I whispered to myself and grabbed it to find texts flooding in from my friends and most commonly Dom. I unlocked it to go through his texts and found a thread of messages all telling me to 'ring him' and not believe what 'they were saying'. Confused I looked at the rest of my texts and they all told me not to be upset but one really stuck out. It was from my best friend telling me he 'wasn't worth it'."

I ended up searching my name online and found a Daily Mail link so I clicked on it and my heart instantly broke.

Dom Lever and Jess Shears found in compromising position on night out. Where does this leave his girlfriend Grace Campbell?

Dom and Jess were pictured walking out of a club in Manchester together and then seen getting into a taxi together. The male clearly looked drunk and had his arms around the brunette, who appeared to smirk as the cameras came onto her.

I had to stop there and I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I closed the app and went onto my texts to find Dom.

Grace: I'd like to see you explain you're way out of this one. To think I believed things could work between us when all you want is a night out and she's always going to be there

I went into Instagram and found that he had posted a photo of him and me and said that we amicably split and had been separated these past couple of days. I decided that I wouldn't let him have it all his own way and took a quick selfie before focusing on the caption.

@gracecampbell: These last couple of hours have been a nightmare for me and you shouldn't believe everything you hear. Dom and I have been fine these past couple of days and were not split up when these photos were released. I spent the night thinking about how I could get time off work to go and see him and now it's all been for nothing. I've never held back on my love for him and I honestly couldn't believe what had happened. Jess and me haven't seen eye to eye on many occasions and I see no reason why this would be getting in the car together. The last time we all spoke to one another Dom made out that he never wants to speak to her again.
Anyway. Thank you for all the supportive messages I've received and I can't thank all my fans enough. I love you all.💗

I felt that was the best I could do and sent it before making my way out of the room and into the bathroom for a well deserved shower.


After I'd finished in the bathroom I made my way downstairs to find my parents and both of my brothers in the dining room. I was wearing some leggings with one of Tom's old jumpers on top.

"I'm guessing you've seen the pictures then." I said and sat down in between Tom and my mum.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Stupid. I should have seen it coming. It was never going to work when she wanted him and she's always out and about so they can meet up more. Why would he want a boring girl like me?"

"Don't say that." Tom said and we paid his arms around me. "He's the one who's punching and you could get any man. I swear when I go out with all my fiends they beg me to give them your phone number."

"Thanks. Oh dad please don't kill him either."

"He shouldn't have hurt you and I'm going to meet up with him and try and see what he was thinking."

"I'm going to come and make sure it all stays civil but add in more protectiveness." Ben added. "I don't like seeing you upset."

"I'm sure I'll get over it. I just need time to process things."

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter. Please give me some suggestions and only ideas for where you want this book to go.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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