Chapter One

154 8 43

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

Have you ever wondered?
What could happen in the next couple of hours?

Have you ever fell asleep?
Thinking that someone might peep?

As the snowball rolls down the hill...
It picks up speed and gradually gets larger, desperate to strike
And you don't notice it until...
Until it slams into you like a thousands knives


"What the actual..." mumbled a very grumpy Natalie. Awaking to the sound of what seemed like a leaky tap, she reached up her hand and wiped her cheek, but stopped abruptly when she realized it wasn't water, much to her utter horror and disgust, but saliva. Natalie slowly opened her eyes to see her Australian Shepherd, Blue, looking down at her with her tongue wagging in front of Natalie's face.
"Oh so you're the one who's giving me a wake up call today," murmured Natalie in her sleepy haze, still not fully awake yet. Then, suddenly, the door swings open and in comes a rather familiar girl. Tall and rather skinny, she had a dark complexion that complemented her grey almond-shaped eyes with long and thick eyelashes of which people envied her. She had full lips and a breathtaking signature smile. It was Zoe Hawthorne, Natalie's best friend.

"Get your bloody ass out of bed. It's twelve-o'clock for crying out loud!" Zoe yelled in her thick Australian accent. Blue, who was thrilled to see her jumped off the bed and ran over to Zoe and kept bribing her to give him belly rubs, which she happily did all the while calling him a "good boy" in a baby voice. Natalie chuckled at the two's antics and rolled over to go back to sleep, but was abruptly woken when the Australian jumped on top of her.

"Did you not hear me the first time?" asked Zoe in an amused tone. Groaning in annoyance, Natalie sat up.
"I'm tired for God's sake,I fell asleep at 6am," she said. With that said, she stretched out her limbs, which caused Zoe to grimace from the loud popping that was heard from her best friend's back and neck.
"That's your own fault, I mean, come on Nat. You're wasting valuable hours of sleep on reading your stupid book, which, quite frankly, could've waited until morning for you to bury your face in it," remarked the dark skinned girl in a matter-of-factly tone, but ended up laughing when her friend mocked her in a high pitched voice.
"No, it could NOT have waited till morning, and how dare you call this work of pure art 'stupid'!" Natalie exclaimed in a faux offended tone.
"You said the same about the last book you read. And the one before that. And the book before that one you said and I quote, "it put all the world's literature to shame"" Zoe deadpanned, raising a thick eyebrow at her.
Natalie opened her mouth to argue, but closed it when she realized her best friend had a point. Instead she huffed and cursed under her breath. Satisfied with herself, Zoe looked down at her phone to check a message she got, her smirk never leaving her face.

All of a sudden, a pillow slammed into her head, knocking her scarf out of place and causing her to drop her phone in the process. After regaining her composure, she looked up to see the now laughing, or should I say, chortling Natalie who was holding the pillow close to her chest and was nearly in tears from how hard she was laughing. The Australian rolled her eyes at her childish best friend, but smiled nonetheless.

"Do you know how long it took me to fix my scarf this morning? Ugh, the nerve, I swear," and with that she got up and walked over to the body length mirror to fix the damage that was caused by the damn pillow. In the meantime, Natalie was washing her face and brushing her teeth. She fixed her ridiculously long eyelashes, and splashed water into her honey brown, almond-shaped eyes, and rubbed her freckled cheeks. By the time she came out of the bathroom, Zoe's scarf was back to it's former glory.

"Come on get dressed. Tyler's waiting for us," huffed the girl as she watched her friend rummage through her closet to find what to wear. After ten minutes, she settled for a pair of jean overalls and a white sleeveless top underneath with a pair of Stan Smith's on her feet. As for her hair, it was in a high ponytail, the ends of her ombre hair in soft curls.
After looking in the mirror and nodding in approval at her reflection, Natalie said, "Okay I'm done, let's go," and with that both girls headed down.
"Bye mum!" "Bye Mary!" Both girls yelled as they headed outside.
"Bye sweethearts!" Mrs. Walker yelled back at her daughter and her daughter's best friend who was practically family too. The two girls decided to just go walking to meet their friend. After all, pretty much everything was in walking distance where they lived.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the town's hotspot for most of the teenagers. The place was an old café that's been there for about fifty years, but was kept in pristine condition.
"Hi Susan," the two greeted as they walked inside and over to their usual booth.
"Hi Puddin's," the old lady with a sweet face yelled back.
At the last booth, next to the window was Tyler Howe. He was an attractive young man with nicely shaped greenish-hazel eyes that were framed by long and thick dark eyelashes and dark bushy eyebrows. He had sharp features and dark hair. He was quite tall with a slim yet muscular figure.
"Took you two losers long enough! I've been waiting here for an hour," Tyler complained with an eye roll, his accent making his comments appear even more snarky. Just like Zoe, Tyler was Australian.
"You waited 4 days in line to get Halsey concert tickets, so one hour won't kill you." Natalie sassed back.
"What could I do? HFK is amazing!" Tyler exclaimed while Zoe just shook her head, laughing at her two best friends.
"Anyway, I'm starving," huffed Tyler as both girls nodded their heads in agreement.
"So the usual?" asked Zoe
"You know it," replied the other two in sync.

From three booths ahead, a mysterious figure sat watching the three best friends laughing and enjoying their ice cream, and just being carefree teenagers.
If any random person was to look at the scene, they would simply think that this person was just admiring the teens. But, as the saying goes, "Looks can be deceiving."

"Soon, my love...soon," whispered the person to no one in particular as he stared a certain ombré haired girl. "Soon you'll be all mine..."
A/N: Thank you guys for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed.

Also the poem at the beginning is written by SpeedsMyGame

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