Chapter 10

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Diana's POV

Holy Fuck. Why am I attending this stupid Sorority Party. Ugh. I hate these parties. Every where you look there's always this insensitive drunk assholes making out with some slut they pull from the crowd. Disgusting. I hate it. Everyone's sweaty shoulders is hitting my shoulder. EEW!

I went out to get some air. I need to breathe non-alcoholic air. Suddenly some dude walks up beside me. Who the fuck are you?

Oh, it's just Rob. Thank God it was just him, not some Drunk Man-slut.

"Hey!" He greeted

"Hey!" I greeted back.

"I don't know if it's the alcohol gathering all this courage but..."

"What is it?" I asked curious

"Come here. I'll whisper it to you" he says trying to make a wall for his mouth using his right hand.

I leaned closer to hear him. He leans so we're only inches away. I was waiting for him to say something. But then he suddenly closes the gap between us! He pressed his lips against mine, his hands at the back of my neck so That I wouldn't fight. WHAT THE FVCK ROB!

I did my best to push him away to break the kiss, but shockingly he was strong. A part of me liked this... Why am I liking this! He's my best friend! I shouldn't be kissing my best friend! But my heart couldn't help but flutter at the feeling of his warm lips against mine.

He finally broke the kiss. He studied my reaction. I was still in a state of shock of his sudden actions.

"I-I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it. You're probably drunk so I'll just tell you, cause you'll probably forget all about this in the morning."

Wrong. I was sober.

"Ana. I love you. I loved you for a very long time. I'm sorry if it's all of the sudden, but trust me I've felt this way for a very long time."

I'm speechless. How could he have kept this from me all these years.

"I'm really sorr-"

I cut him off by pulling him for a kiss. Even I was shocked at my actions.


I woke up flatly facing the ceiling. What was that all about? Of all the people why Rob? I like him but not in that way... Well I did like him in a different way in 7th grade but I just had to force my self not to. I don't wanna ruin our friendship with something as petty as love.

We're Best Friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

I turned to my left to see Rob beside me. It was normal. Sometimes when he feels lonely he just scoots beside me on my bed and immediately hug me like I some kind of pillow to him, but he rarely does it nowadays. He usually does it during high school. This was the first in college.

I suddenly found myself studying his features. He is in fact hot and charming, no doubt about it. Just cocky . He may be a jerk to some people, but I know he would never be a jerk to me. He treats me like I'm his little sister. The fvcker. Bu t it's okay. He just loves me that way.

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