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Back at Auradon

Harry was sitting in the back of a dingy little bar. He's been there for almost 24 hours now. With Maleficent who has grown to the size of a small dog in the past two weeks. Maleficent was like Harry's drinking buddy, unwillingly so but still.

It wasn't long maybe a couple of hours after they had went on there vacation when Harry stumbled onto Maleficent's hiding place. Being pissed off and not having anyone to really talk to he decided to spill his soul out to the evil fairy.

Two days later he discovered this little bar. It reminded him of the one on the isle he's been to that one so many times. Dragging his drunk father out if the place just to have to fight with his father before knocking him out and dragging him home. Now Harry finds himself skipping three to four classes and drinking away his feelings much like his father.

When he first thought about this he stopped showing up for three days. Then Chad's friends started bothering him and he ended up spending a whole weekend here. That was before the boys came back to school. Or FG started watching him like a hawk.

But today or night he wasn't sure what time it was outside he had enough. He wasn't leaving until he passed out or got alcohol poising which ever came first.

Laughing at himself before turning to Maleficent who looked almost concerned or as concerned as a big lizard could look.

"You know the video of Aubrey fucking Chad with a strap on wasn't even that bad a few shots and I would have been fine."

Throwing back four shots just to emphases this before he continued.

"Yeah that I can deal with. Hell I already knew he was fucking her if I'm being truthful. But Uma sleeping with...Frost that cold asshole."

Crushing the glass in his hand. Not even registering any pain as the glass was embedded into his hand making it bleed profoundly. Now at this point Maleficent had grown some more now she was the size of a lab pup. It would seem seeing Harry emotional and drink himself away like his father was effecting her in a way Mal and them couldn't . Then again she always saw him as a son.

The kid she wish she had or that her daughter married. Tho now she sees just how hopeless the poor boy was with his Uma.

His laughter brought Maleficent out of her thoughts. "Funny thing is Uma doesn't even know that I have history with Mr.Frosty or that he's the Bassa that Cj ran away with."

Raising his hand and motioning the bartender to refill there drinks. Even if Maleficent wasn't able to get drunk in her dragon form she could still drink and eat.

After there cups were refilled Harry took a swig from her glass. Then started on his own.

"You know king Ben is going to get an earful tomorrow when I don't pop up. Serves him right it does let me tell ya. He's been a big ares if you ask me ignoring me when I say something or I'm in the room with him. Dam Bassa he is too."

Leaning back he chugged the whole pint of vodka. "Gahhhhhhh~ that sure dos hit the spot Maleficenty." With a giggle he ordered a few more rounds for them.

Leaning forward he looked Maleficent in her green little eyes and sighed. "You know honestly I really REALLY do care about Uma. It's just she was so hell bent on leaving the first month then she kinda just did her thing with Izzy and Gil. She had no time for poor Harry hook. A pity really so little ol

Harry went and had some fun and now it's Harry's fault for Uma's breakdown."

Laughing as he threw back another pint of string liquor.

"Yet no one even notices that poor little Hooks gone and got himself a drinking problem. Don't look at me like that sea-dragon I know I have an issue I just refuse to get help. Now drink up before I take your cups too."

Maleficent hurried and downed her drinks. After about three more rounds Harry was out of it. The bar staff took him and his "pet" dragon up to the room usually used for storage. Until he woke up or someone comes looking for there broken pirate.

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