Three - 삼

15 0 0

Subin p.o.v.

Me and Momo have become good friends. She knows the Y/n girl that was supposed to be my roommate.
Momo started dating Jungkook recently and shiiiiii they are so cute. Like seriously I can not with these two. I also got a lot of juicy stuff out of Yoongi , a friend from music class, the other day. He said they spent a whole Sunday on the couch, cuddling, chatting and watching movies.

I wake up and Momo is sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast and texting someone, most likely Jungkook.
"Morning" I say as I walk to the fridge and open it. "Morning Subin" Momo says still looking at her screen. I have some breakfast, put on some clothes and leave with Momo. Weren't in the same class except for dance class. I actually don't spend that much time with her there anymore after she started dating Jungkook, he's in the class as well. So I sometimes partner up with Jimin, the guy I bumped into one time. After that day we started talking a lot more in class and got to know each other. I got to know about his crush on Y/n and the rivalry between him and this Taehyung guy. The stories were fun to listen to so I didn't mind. Even though I never really said anything except talking about dance and school. Boring I know.

Time skip~~

The school year is coming to an end. I'll miss Momo and Jimin especially, I've actually starting to think I like him, like like him! Well anyway, I'll be working at my dads business this summer so my parents can move to Seoul as well. And also to pay for my education.

See ya after break ~


The introduction is over and next chapters will be the official storyline hehe

Thanks for reading ❤️


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