Four - 사

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First day of school~

Subin p.o.v.

I wake up and I still can't grasp the fact that break is over. I get dressed in black tank crop top high waisted blue jeans and a grey flannel and my black adidas. I go eat breakfast. Momo and I asked to be roomies again this year. I heardfrom Momo that this Y/n girl and Jimyoung, a senior from dance class, are now roomies. I wonder what happened?

"Morning Su" Momo ,in her classic black sweatpants and cropped sweater, sais as I walked to the kitchen. "Morning Mo" I said with a smile. "Ready for the day ?" Momo asked. "Yeah totally! And you?" I say. "Toats excited to see Kookie hehe" she says and we both laugh. "And yeah I'm also excited for the classes no worries" she says and I chuckle. We finish our food and head to school. We are in the same class this year as well. She sits down besides Jungkook and I see Jimin sitting by the window. His hair color has changed from orange to blonde he looks good... what no, well yeah handsome but who cares right....? But he's super cute with that hair color.... Ok stop brain!!

"Hi, is it ok if I sit here?" I ask him. "Oh hi, yeah go ahead" he says with a smile and I sit down. A little later there comes a girl and sits behind Jimin. "We're in the same class again" he said and turned towards her. "Yeah it's good since Tae isn't here" the girl said. The girl then poked my shoulder and said " you're Yoongis friend from music class right?". "Yoongi? Yeah" I say shyly. "I'm Y/n! What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Gun Subin" I said shyly 'cause Jimin was watching me. "Nice to meet you , and this dummy is Jimin" she said. "Hey, don't call me a dummy!" Jimin said and pouted a little. I just laughed at his cuteness.

This year will be fun!

After class I went to Momo and Y/n came along. "Wanna go get some fresh air?" I ask the girls. The nod and we all go outside.
We go sit on a bench near the front of campus. "How do you know Yoongi? Momo asked me. "We're in the same music class" I say. "You must have heard about the drama between me and Juninho and Tae from Momo" Y/n said and looked at Momo. "Haha sorry" Momo said. "It's ok Momo, really" Y/n said smiling. "So you and Tae are together but he went abroad for a year?" I ask and Y/n nods. "Poor Jimin" I say. "He'll find someone, he's a good guy" Y/n says and smiles. "Maybe you can start dating him" Momo winks at me and they both giggle. "Nonono I can't, I don't know him that well, and I'm super shy" I say. "Shy! Yeah right! You are super outgoing in dance class!" Momo sais. "You can just hit on him in dance class then!" Y/n sais encouragingly. "Girls, stop, I don't even know if I like him!" I say to shut them up. "Well then just start liking him, I mean the way he looked at you in class just then, he definitely has some feelings for you" Y/n sais and blinks. Momo smirkes. "Ugh girls!" I say and stand up. The bell rings and thank god! "Hey we have dance class now!" Momo says. "You can start today" Y/n says and smirks. "Lets just go to class" I say and start walking. "Hey wait up" Momo says and comes running while Y/n goes to her class.

We meet Jungkook, Jimin , Hoseok and Jimyoung on the way to class. "I heard the teacher has a different plan for this year, something she hasn't done before" Hoseok says. We go inside and start warming up with everyone else. The teacher comes in and claps her hands. All attention is on her.

"ok class, I have decided that from now on you will have a designated dance partner. I have already picked so no worries." Teach sais and we all look at each other with wide eyes.
"The pairs will consist of one boy and one girl. And we will learn a lot of couples dancing as well as other dances" she says.
Everyone is a little stunned. "The pairs are: Jungkook and Momo, Jimyoung and Hoseok, Moonbin and Sinb, Bambam and Lalisa, Rocky and Eunha, blah blabla and finally Subin and Jimin." She says happily and puts the paper with the pairs in the corner. Everyone looks at their partner and Momo gives me a smirk.
"Ok everyone, partner up and let's start the first dance."

Oh how typical that we end up as dance partners.

Not planned at all 😈

Well that's another chapter 👏🏼
I will try to post weekly but there might come a hiatus because of testweek in my school 😬😬

Anyway, thanks for reading lovelies ❤️


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