Five - 오

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Jimin p.o.v.

"Jimin and Subin" the teacher said.

What kind of sorcery is this! Although, I will admit when I heard there were gonna be partners I wanted it to be Subin, but I didn't think it would happen!

Subin came towards me and stood by my side. "Let's do good, partner" she said with a funny accent and lightly punched my arm. "Haha yeah let's be the best" I said back and she smiled shyly but widely. She's so cute.

We started by learning the hold, as in holding hands and awkward stuff. The couples like Momo and Kookie and Jimyoung and Hoseok looked so natural, I mean they are official couples, while the rest of us are just friends.
I was kind of awkward when I had to put my hand on Subins waist it's so small, her waist is SO SMALL! How are girls so tiny! We started with a simple waltz and then we did simple cha cha cha. We also tried jive, and shit. It was fast paced, I had to pull her through my feet and lift her back up and then start again. We did it two times and then stretched before class was over.

"That was fun!" Momo says and jumps on Jungkook. "Yeah it was!" Jungkook says back and takes her on piggie-back towards me and Subin. "How was it guys?" Momo asks smiling widely. "It was fun" Subin says smiling brightly. "It was fast" I add. They all laugh.
"Well, its lunchtime" Jungkook says. "Lets eat I'm starving" Momo says and makes Jungkook start walking to the cafeteria. Me and Subin walk behind them. "That was awesome right?" Subin asks me shyly. "Yeah it was fun and different" I say and smile and she smiles back "that's good" she says. We meet the rest of the gang in the cafeteria but Subin walks to two friends from another class she was in last year. I want her to sit with us though.

Subin p.o.v.

I saw Daeyon and Chaerong when I went to the cafeteria. "Hey guys!" I say as I walk to them. "Hey Su!" They say in unison. "You in a new class this year?" Daeyon asks. "Yeah I'm in my roommates class and in the same class as a lot of my dance classmates" I say. "Well at least you know someone in your new class" Chaerong says and smiles. But they look a little weird, sad kind of. "Are you guys ok?" I ask. "Well we saw you with two other girls outside in recess" Chaerong says and looks down. "We thought you had forgot about us" Daeyon adds. "Guys... I didn't forget about you!" I say. "But we thought it would be best if you just hang out with your roomie and those other guys and girls you walked in here with" Chaerong says. "Is that what you really want?" I ask a little sad. "We think that it's for the best" Daeyon says. "But we won't be on bad sides we'll just not meet up as much?" I ask. "Yeah of course, were still friends but not best friends" Daeyon says and pats my shoulder. "Well we're finished, you should go to the others Su" Chaerong says and they walk away. "Bye" I say. "Bye" they say in unison and leave.
I walk towards everyone. I sit beside Momo and Y/n. "Why aren't you with those girls?" Jim in asks. "They said that because I'm not in their class anymore that I shouldn't hang out with them anymore, but we're not on bad tirms" I say and want to break down and cry. "Nooo those bastards" Y/n says and looks around. Momo puts her arm around me. "We're here. All of us" Momo says and I look at at everyone sitting at the table. Jungkook Yoongi Hoseok Jimyoung Jimin Y/n and Momo. "Oh and also Namjoon and Seokjin who are in Japan with Tae until Friday" Y/n adds. I smile sadly and start eating.

We finish eating and head to our classes.
"If you wanna talk about it, I'll listen" Jimin says shyly when we walk into the classroom. "Thanks " I give him a smile and walk inside and sit down.

Time skip~

First day of school has come to an end but there's still a whole day outside of school left. Mokie (Momo x Kookie) went on a date, Jiho (Jimyoung x Hoseok) went to the movies, Y/n went to work, Yoongi went home before work.
Me and Jimin were left in the classroom. "Wanna sneak into the practice room?" Jimin asks. "Why" I ask. "Why not, everyone is busy, we can practice dancing as partners" he says and starts walking towards the dance room. "Ok fine" I say and walk after him. "Race ya" he shays and runs ahead. "Hey cheater!" I shout at him and start running after him but he's so fast. We got to the practice room and went inside. "You're a fast runner" I barely get out cause of all of the panting. He just laughs and gets some hip hop music going. We warmed up and stretched.

We stood in front of each other. He took my hand and I put my other hand on his shoulder. He hesitantly put his other hand on my waist and to tell you the truth I was a little nervous too. "Oh what about the music?" I ask. "Oh yeah haha" he lets go and laughs awkwardly as he puts the song on. We got into position and started to move to the music. Teach said that the guy is in charge. But when the music started he just closed his eyes. "Something wrong?" I ask confused. He didn't say anything, but then he started moving to the music and I just followed.
It was amazing. The way he moved to the music was spectacular. We moved so fast but it was like we were floating. When the music stopped we slowed down.
I look at him, his eyes are still closed. He's so beautiful.

Jimin p.o.v.

We slowed and stopped for a moment before I opened my eyes again. You could only hear our breathing as we catch our breaths.
Aaa this was amazing, she's amazing. I open my eyes and see her looking straight at me. "Whaaa" I jump back she also backs up. "What!" She asks shocked. "Nothing you were just a little close" I say and catch my breath. "Ok.." she says and puts her hand on her chest and takes a deep breath. I get my phone from the speakers and we get going.

"Want me to walk you to your dorm?" I ask as we get to a cross section. "I'm ok thanks" she said and smiles. "Seeya tomorrow Jiminie" she sais, waves and walks away. "Bye Su" i say and start walking home.

I'm not gonna lie but it's easier to forget my feelings for Y/n now that I have Subin as a dance partner. And also because she moved in with Jimyoung instead of living here. I will miss her though.

But I don't think it will be so hard to forget to forget about her now.



Hopefully everything will go well with these two 🤞🏼

Thanks for reading, sry bout the late update :/ and also, im traveling to Italy with my school so I will try to write on the plane and on the bus 💪🏼💪🏼


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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