Chapter 57: Letting go topic

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As the night went on when I returned everyone seemed happier. The smiles on their faces made me smile. We sat inside a resturant with Yato, Y/d/n and I on one side of the same and Takeo and Yukine on the other. Everyone smiled at me and it was like they couldn't look away. I looked up every now and then catching Yato looking at me. He would blush and turn away. He really missed me, didn't he? I reached for his hand intertwining our fingers under the table. His warm hands squeezed mine making him calm down.

I looked through the menu as another hand rested on Yato and mines. I looked down seeing Y/d/n holding both our hands together. I laughed softly and looked back at the menu. Yukine and Takeo ordered first while I helped Y/d/n decide what she wanted. "Mommy, this one." She said and pointed to what she wanted. 'T-bone steak, with extra potato crisps.' It read. The meal looks pretty big. "You sure?" I asked her. She nodded excitedly. I laughed and pet her head. "Okay, okay." I said amd ordered for myself and Y/d/n. Yato then ordered some food as well and winked at me. I lifted an eyebrow and giggled at him.

Yukine POV

I looked at Y/n and Yato talking across from us. The way Yato smiled at her this way. It's like he was never down about her not being around. Takeo tapped my shoulder and whispered into my ear. "I think they look happy." He said and smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded. I looked back and saw Y/d/n between them. She had a smile on her face as she mumbled things to herself. "Here's the food." Said the waiter and pla ed down our food. A steak was set infront of the small girl and she laughed. "Yay!" She shouted making Yato shush her. Y/n laughed and thanked the waiter.

Yato POV

After eating we decided to stay a bit longer. "Yato what did you feed our child while I was out?" Y/n asked and laughed. Y/d/n still carried on eating her big plate of food. "Well..." I trailed off. Y/n lightly hit my arm with an angry looking face. "You should make her eat healthier things and not to big meals. She's going to get sick." She scolded me. I missed this about her. I smiled and grabbed her hand as she was about to smack me again. She sighed and held onto my hand. "Sorry, about that." I said and smiled. She shook her head and smiled. "I forgive you, you idiot." She said with a laugh. I let go of her hand and took a sip of my drink.

That's when I got a call. "Hello?" I asked. "Yato, how are things?" I heard Daikoku ask. Ever since that night he calls me each day. I smirked. "Daikoku. Hold on." I said and passed the phone to Y/n. She smiled and held the phone to her ear. "Long time, Dai-Dai." She said in a cute voice. She laughed and held the phone further away from her ear. "He's loud." She stated and put the phone on her ear again. She smiled through the conversation and then she laughed. "Kofu, that''t say that." She said and a blush appeared on her face. I wonder what that was about? "Because I just woke up!" She whisper shouted making the others look at her. The red on her face turned darker.

Your POV

"He's proberly going to make-" I cut her off. "Kofu, stop." I said and she started to laugh. "Seriously though, he misses you a lot. Make sure to call Yokou as well as Hiyori." She informed and I nodded. I hung uo and handed the phone back to Yato. He took it and when our eyes met I looked away. Damn you, Kofu. She jist had to bring up sexual things.

Y/d/n started to laugh. I looked down at her to see her holding up her dirty hands. "Y/d/n, let me clean your hands." I said and grabbed a napkin from the table. I wiped her hands and she smiled widely. "Thank you." She said sweetly. "Sure." I said and kisses her cheek. "Y/n, how did you wake up?" Yukike suddenly asked. I looked at him with my smile slowly vanishing. I looked down and sighed. "I had to let go." I said softly.

He looked at me and realised that maybe what he asked isn't the time. "S-Sorry." He said and looked down. "I shouldn't have bought it up. I just wanted to know." He said. I looked up and saw him biting his lip. Takeo looked worried about him. "You were just gone that I wish to know why you couldn't have come sooner." He said saddly. Yukine... I smiled and stood up walking to his side of the table. I knelt down and held his shoulder. "Yukine, it's alright." I said softly. He looked at me with a guilty face. "I'm sorry." He apologised again. I laughed and rubbed his shoulder. "We'll talk later, okay." I said and he nodded.


We walked home after the meal. Takeo and Yukine walking in the front of us. Yato held my hand as Y/d/n sat on his shoulders looking at the stars above us. "Y/n, it was hard for everyone to see you like that. I think Yukine really missed you, he grew a bit distant from everyone including Hiyori. He missed you." Yato said next to me. "About what he asked in the resturant-" I cut him off. "I'll talk to him like I said." I said. I looked up at Yato and smiled. His blue eyes shone ever so brightly like they always do. "To be honest, I missed you all more." I said walked closer to him. He let go of my hand and pulled me closer to his body. I smiled and closed my eyes into his chest.

Yukine POV

I got ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. Thinkimg it was Yato I ignored it. "Yukine..." Someons trailed off behind the door. "Come in." I said and sat down on the bed. Y/n walked inside and sat down next to me. "Yukine, can we talk about earlier?" She asked. I nodded. She sighed and smiled. "Listen, I know what you went through. Yato said that you grew distant from everyone, I think that they were just trying to comfort you. I understand that younfelt that way. I know how much you care about me." She said which made me blush in embarresment.

I looked at my hands on my lap. "Yeah." I said nervously. She laughed and placed her arm around my shoulders. "So, I told you that I had to let go, right?" She asked amd I nodded. "Well, I had a lot of bad things happen to me. It was kind of like I wasn't dead or alive. I was between the line." She stated. "When you grip onto things from your past it holds you back from moving forward." She explained. I looked up to see her focusing on her words. "I met my mother. I know what happened to her and I know that she saved me." She said and looked into my eyes. She smiled warmly and pulled me closer. "You see, I had to make a choice between the past or present." She said. "So, you let go of your past." I said softly. "Yes, of course! I wanted to wake up so badly. I wanted to see everyone and hug everyone. I nedded to wake up!" She exclaimed happiley. I hugged her waist and sighed in relief. "I missed you." I said saddly in her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair and rubbing my back. "I love you, Yukine." She said and softly. I love you. I thought I had said it but, I slowly fell asleep.

Your POV

I closed my Y/e/c and sighed. "Yukine, are you asleep?" I asked. No reply. I quietly giggled to myself and held him as I stood up. "Goodnight, Yukine." I said and layed him down. I covered him with his blanket and kissed his forehead. I walked out of his room closing the door behind me. I walked towards the kitchen amd grabbed a quick drink. "Y/n." I heard behind me. I turned to see Yato standing there staring at me. "Y-Yes?" I asked and placed the mug down. He walked towards me and placed his hands onto my waist. He kissed my cheek softly and kisses down to my neck. "Y-Yato, what are you-" I got cut of by his lips. He moaned into my mouth. I pushed his back gentaly and he looked at me. "What, do you want to sleep?" He asked. After it seemed like I was in a thank you. "No." I said. He pulled me closer to him as he trailed his hands along my back. "I thought so." He whispered into my ear. Kofu, you genius.


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