126 6 61

Hello. my blossoms

Shancy here

An while ago, this book hit 1k reads and now it has 2k reads. I am glad you all are enjoy reading this book. I also did an Q&A to celebrate the 1k reads and is still open.

SaharFujiki2004 - my adorable and little sister Sah-chan asked me these questions.

Who is your yugioh crush?

Me: It's Jesse Anderson. Obviously. I guess everyone know that. Next question

Sah: Also have you watched Yugioh all generations?

Me: No, I didn't. So far, I have watched Yugioh Duel Monsters, Arc-V and watched half of the Yugioh GX 1th season, then jumped to the last season to see Jesse but I didn't watch all episodes because the app I used to watch it didn't let me to watch anymore. I watched some episodes of Yugioh 5D. I watch Yugioh Vrains. I also read Yugioh DM and Arc-V manga.

I am new to the fandom and I entered in the Yugioh fandom in... Now that I think about it. It makes a year since I am in this fandom.

I would like to thank, Natasha and the Yandere sisters for getting me in the fandom. LunaLuminoso

MelissaShion MikaExcaliber

Now, the last question. 

Sah: Do you own any cards?

Me: No, I don't. 

I always knew about Yugioh since I was a kid but this year I could watch the anime.

Thank you alll for your support to this book.

The Q&A is still open, you can ask whatever you want.

Now I will go to the tag.

Hair colour - brown hair

Eyes colour - brown

Crushes -

Real life: None

 Fictonal Character: The list is long...

Facts about me

I like to drink coffe without sugar

I am going to 12th grade

I am a chocoholic. I can't go withou chocolate for one day.

I will dye my hair purple

My favourite colour are purple and blue

My dream is to become a fashion designer.

My favourite apps are wattpad, youtube and pinterest

I like oranges, I mean the fruit, not the colour.

My biggest fear is roaches. I see one and I scream

I know there are people that don't like muslim but I love them. Muslims are like family to me and I treat them like that.

I think I am a cat. Sometimes I act like a cat

I used to hate my brazilian accent

I love you all

I am done with the tags

The victims 




ElementalxNashi (I miss you, Twin)


LunaLuminoso (You won't get out of this tag, sis)




Bye Bye, my blossoms

*sunflowers out*

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