YurixOC Rosa

201 12 6

Hi, my blossoms
Shancy here

Requested by: YuriTheFusionDuelist
Title: Language of flowers
Ship: YurixOC Rosa

"Yuri, where are you taking me?" Rosa asked while her partner, Yuri, held her hand pulling her along. She talked again. "We are on mission. There are a lot of XYZ trash to card."

Yuri ignored and continued on walking to his desired destination.

Recently all the sadistic duelist had been doing was ignore everyone. When he duels, he do it in silence, which was odd because he loves to tease his opponents, torture them like hell until they can't take no more and lose the match. So later on he can card the XYZ users.

Rosa thinks his behaviour was odd, so she had been pestering him like she usually does. One of Rosa's hobbies is annoy people with the purpose to get them mad. Their reaction, the expression they make. It amuses her.

Therefore it is a hard level to reach to make Yuri mad but Rosa keeps doing it until he snaps.
The face Yuri makes doesn't have words to describe except one. Adorable.

You could see the fume coming from his head, his eyebrows take a weirder form than it was before. Mainly, the two upwards locks he has stand out more when the tips bend and earns the appearance of rabbit ears. Then you have a mad bunny.

"Sadistic bunny" Rosa would call him always and the purple haired boy hates the nickname.

"I am not a bunny" Yuri usually says but this time he only gave a glare in her way and looked forward to keep his focus back on the walk.

Later they arrived in paradise, where Yuri intended to take Rosa. The rainbow garden. A place where you could find all types of flowers, specially roses. There were many colours of them. Pink, red, purple, white, violet, blue and even black.
The perfume was nice, intriguing and wonderful. A heaven for bees and butterflies.
Through there weren't much sun, the few ray lights the garden got, it was enough to make them glitter.
Rosa could feel the humidity in her skin. It wasn't plentiful nor scarse. It was in the between.

This paradise was under God's protection because this place couldn't survive in the battlefield.

"Rosa, dear, do you know what red roses mean?" Yuri asked. His voice interrupted the girl from amaze the beautiful painting.

Rosa cocked her head to the side curiously, crossed her arms and answered. "No, I don't. What is the meaning?"

Yuri grinned his famous psycho smile. This small gesture sent small shiver frights to the girl.

"You have the name of a flower but you know little about it. How ironic is that supposed to be?" He laughed. Rosa felt her cheeks rise in temperature despite the sky was cloudy, the breeze was soft. It was quite chilly.

"Purple rose means love at first sight, white is innocence, pink is appreciation, yellow is friendship, orange is desire. Lastly the red rose..." Yuri picked each rose of the respective colour, one by one forming a bouquet, his hand found the way to the red rose. He gave a small peck to the flower. "Red roses mean love"
The sadistic duelist brought the rose to the female's face, the spot where he planted a kiss slightly touched her lips.
Rosa realised what he did and her face flushed scarlet. A confession and indirect kiss from the person she has admiration.

"Y-Yuri." Rosa stuttered out his name. She had never give a thought about her feelings toward the boy.
Yuri was her partner, her friend and she would sacrifice her life so she won't lose him because he is very important to her.

After she had organised her thousands thoughts in a shelf and ordered her mixed feelings in line correctly. Rosa put her hands over Yuri's, the one that held the rose, and kissed the petal while her brown eyes were shut in embarrassasment.

Yuri open widened his pinkish eyes, her reaction surprised him since he did not expect that. Instantly his cheeks tinted red.

In the middle of the war, this young soldiers met love in the unexpected.

The is adorable. I wrote it yesterday from nowhere.

I hope Rosa isn't OOC.

OC Rosa belongs to YuriTheFusionDuelist

I hope you like it

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Bye Bye, my blossoms
*sunflowers out*

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