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*No ones pov*


When Henry came out of sunmi's apartment He knew exactly what she felt. Her face told him everything he needed to know in that moment. She looked frightened.The moment he realized that he ran over to her and hugged her close. Pulling her into his chest.

"Princess..hey do you hear me? Youre fine. Youre safe, youre safe"

He whispered trying to calm her down.

"Thank you for bringing her home I can take it from here"

He looked at Mark who was still standing there confused.


He stated in a cold voice.

"I'll help"

Mark stated walking towards the apartment.
Henry furrowed his eyebrows following him. He couldn't leave them alone. What if sunmi panicked again seeing him? He walked up to them. This time placing his hand on marks shoulder.

"Hey what are you.."

"You should leave."

" there's nothing to do here she'll be okay. Shes not alone"

Henry didn't hate Mark or anything he was just angry that he made her go through this after she was so happy that she hadn't had any panick attack in the last few months. She was talking about it getting better and he had destroyed that. She was gonna be so sad in the morning, knowing that nothing changed.

Marks pov

I noticed her breathing deeply and fast but before I could do anything that henry  came. I wanted to leave but then I noticed that she was crying?

"I'll take it from here"

He said looking at me as if I didn't have any responsibility. It was MY fault after all. of course I was gonna stay with her to make sure she's okay.
But when I went in he basically told me to go. For some reason I felt hurt. But he was right telling me to leave. After all I had no right to be there for her.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was it a good idea to let jyp talk her into this? She doesn't seem like she could get used to this kind of life.

*morning Sunmi's pov*

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was a text message.

"I will pick you up around 1pm ~Mark"

I remembered what happened and got up groaning.

"Wow you're the only person that I know who can sleep THAT much"

Henry declared before laughing.

"Get up breakfast is ready"

He said leaving the room. Ugh that guy had to annoy me. He did this every time. Knowing that I didn't like people being extra nice and all just because I had a panick attack. I got up eating the pancakes he had made.

"Doesnt your girlfriend get mad at you being with me all the time"

I said looking into his eyes.

"Naaah." He smiled.

"How do you feel?"

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Okay I guess"

Trying to avoid his gaze.

"Its not suprising.. I thought it was getting better but it isn't.."

My voice faded at the end of the sentence before I inhaled deeply.

"Anyways Mark is picking me up in like half an hour"

"Mark huh? So you're already calling him by his forname"

He looked annoyed.

"What's between you two? Any reason for him bringing you home last night?"

After explaining everything he was  speechless. And honestly I understood. Lying to so many people felt wrong in a way.

"Have you read the contract and did you think about it clearly? Did you consider crazy fans? No privacy? And the Hate? Or the whole gatherings? There will be more times where the paparazzi will come after you. you know that right?"

I nodded. he was right but this seemed like an opportunity. Being faced daily with what I feared the most could help me overcome this. Also it would give me way more time for my book.

"I should get ready let's talk about this  later"

I got up walking into my bedroom to change.

"Okay I'm leaving if anything happens call me"

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