dad!Derek x teen daughter!reader

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Your pov

My friend and I were driving to my home. He is 18 years and I am 16. 2 year age difference. I let him drive case I was tired and did not want to fall asleep at the wheel. We were at a green light.

I seen lights from my side. I looked over to see a car chase. "Markus watch out!" I said. The car hit us. I felt pain. "Oh my god! Guys Y/n is in side with her friend we need help over here fast!" Some one yelled. I could feel blood leaving my body. "Y/n." Markus said. I unhucked him from his seatbelt.

I blacked out. I felt pain. It hurt so much. I hope Markus is ok. I really do.

Derek's pov

This sick son of a bitch crashed into my little girl. They were trying to get her out. "Oh god." I said. JJ hugged me. "I know Derek." She said. "He hit my baby girl on purpose." I said.

"We don't know that Derek." She said. They got Y/n out. Markus got out on his own. They had to work on her so I could not get with her.

Hours passed. Y/n got out of surgery. The docter came in. "Y/n Morgan?" She said. Me and the team got up. "She is out of surgery. She is in bad shape. We hope she will make a full recovery. She does has some broken bones. But you can see her." She said. We nodded.

I walked in to see my little girl in this way. I cried seeing her. "Don't worry Derek she will be ok." Penelope said. "Not now Penelope." I said. Pen yelped a bit "Derek not cool." Emily said.

"I don't know if my little girl is going to wake up. And your telling me not cool." I said. Hotch sighed. Y/n's heart rate when up. I called a docter and they got to her. After a few they said she is in a coma.

(I just got back from the docter. Hope you like it.)

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