Crazy (1)

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2 years later...


"Hey Cassie." Anna smiled to Castiel as he sat at the table beside her smiling. "Got any plans today?"

"Yep." He grinned. "I'm gonna go into the woods back there..." He nodded at the garden, "...and follow the bees, I'm hoping to find the nest."

Anna smiled weakly. "Okay, Cas. But remember to be back at one so I can drive you to Dr.Watson's."

Cas sulked. "Okaaaaaay."

He got up and skipped to the breakfast bar, pouring himself some cereal. "Hi Gabriel!" He cheered, seeing his grey, lifeless, soul sauntering into the room.

Gabriel didn't greet him in return, instead he just sat on one of the chairs, crossing his legs. Anna took in his image. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess. His face was drained from colour and he was thinner than she thought possible. He had a blanket wrapped over his shoulders and the same clothes he'd been wearing for a week under it. He had goosebumps on his arms and was shivering however his head was beading sweat.

"Gabriel. When did you last eat?"

He shrugged, not that she expected anything more. He hadn't spoken a single word since the Winchesters disappeared.

"You look terrible...I should book you into the hospital."

"Make sure you tell Dad though." Hannah said, walking in and sitting down opposite Gabriel. "Weve gotta go back college tomorrow and if we don't tell Dad then Gabriel just won't go." She frowned in concern at Gabriel.

Gabriel just groaned and put his head on the table.

Cas came over and sat beside him. "Do you wanna look at the bees with me, Hannah?"

"Sorry Cassie. I've gotta pack some more clothes. I'm quickly running out over there."

"Anna?" He asked, eyes filled with hope.


He sulked. "Gabby ?"

Gabriel shook his head.


There was a crash below them.

"Lucifer's up." Adam groaned, taking a seat at the table, rubbing his eyes. Samandriel came in not long later and the two boys were immediately wide awake. They were both ten now, but still acted like four year olds.

Not long after, they heard the door click open and Lucifer came in scowling. No one said anything to him, not wanting to get a rise out of him.

He got a drink and went to leave again, until Crowley came barging in...barging into Lucifer.

Everyone went silent, apart from Cas who let outa slight chuckle, as they looked at the devil with water all over him.

He growled before barging Crowley into the wall. "Watch where your going, bitch." He hissed, colliding his fist with his face. He dropped Crowley to the floor before stepping over to him, returning to the basement.



Cas sat on Dr Watson's chair and spun slightly. Left, right, left, right, left, right.

"So, Castiel. Tell me everything that's gone on today."

Cas smirked. "I found the bee hive!"

Dr Watson looked at the few marks on his arms. "You got stung." He laughed.

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