Kitsune (4)

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"Okay. Yeah. Thanks Maya." Dean hung up the phone and stood up, getting a beer out of the motels fridge. "So...Maya Delthane, a Hunter dad knows, found her in Dad's journal, she says she saw a guy fitting Sam's discription in some coffee shop in South Dakota near Sioux Falls talking to some waitress, his age, blonde, before running out and talking to some boy (that the waitress was actually recently flirting with) and then they both walked off together discreetly. She said she always keeps her eye on anything suspicious and said that he definitely was. Always seemed paranoid. Sound like Sammy?" Dean asked, placing his beer on the table beside Michael's computer.

"Yeah, but who could the boy be?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. We should head down. I mean Sioux Falls, we wouldn't expect him to go there."

"Yeah, youre right. The perfect place for him to hide" Michael squinted at the computer. "Hey, check this out." He turned the computer to Dean.

"Pond's Coffee. Pond...where have I heard that?"

"Do you remember when dad was hunting a kitsune? Sam made friends with Amy Pond who happened to be the kitsune's daughter, also a kitsune. They ended up kissing. Dad was livid but of course couldn't say any thing to Sam so we abandoned the hunt and left."

"Isnt Amy Pond a doctor who character?"


"Right yeah. Maybe she's the waitress Sam was talking to? I mean, attractive, blonde hair? We could go and talk to her."

"We should hurry, if she's a kitsune and she's talking to Sam, he could be in even more danger than we thought."

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