He talks behind your back (Ethan)

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Your POV

Ethan and Grayson were filming a video, so I stayed
upstairs, out of the way for most of the day. I still haven't eaten yet, so I crept down the stairs in case they were in the middle of a video. But instead of their lively, loud laughs, everything ways whispered like they didn't want anyone hearing. I grew curious, and began to hide behind the door.

"She's just really getting on my nerves at the moment" Ethan mutters.

Gray replies " Who??"


My heart begins to sink and hands start to shake.

"She just won't leave me alone, and I can't deal with her, she has to complain about everything. You know sometimes I wonder why we are together."

"I know"

Tears threaten to fall, as my heart felt like it had just been ripped from your body. I took a deep breath and ran back up the stairs to Ethan and yours shared room. I grabbed a bag and started to fill it, salty tears running down my cheeks. The bag was zipped and hung from your shoulders, as I made my way down the stairs.

By the bottom step I was met by Ethan and Grayson both looking at you with utter confusion.

"Where you doing?? Wait are you crying?? What's the matter?" He asks.

"You obviously don't want me here so I'm leaving" Grayson's eyes were wide, knowing you had heard their conversation, but Ethan just looked sad as he didn't understand the situation.

"I heard what you said to Gray, about how I annoy you and the fact you still doubt this relationship so I'm done" You start shout.

"Y/n listen-" He stammers as his eyes grew watery.

"No, I'm staying at a friends so you will have plenty of time to think about it"

He stands speechless, looking at the floor, knowing he wasn't going to stop you leaving. "See ya, and by the way I never thought my best friend and boyfriend would be the people to talk behind behind my back. Guess this is why I hate surprises"
You say as you budge pass him, slamming the door on the way out. You throw your stuff in your car and cry onto the steering wheel before driving away.

Ethan's POV

We both stood in silence as I made my way to the window.
Y/n's still there in her car. Crying. Why did I have to say that? I should've kept my mouth shut. My eyes grew watery and I turn to Grayson who was sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands. "It wasn't your fault Gray, I was the one who spoke bad about her" His head rose "Will she forgive us,we knew how insecure she was but still did it"

"I'm gonna talk to her" I say as I run to the car. Gray nods and lowers his head back in his hands. I drive to her best friend Lily's house to see if she's there, I knock on the door and Lily answers. Her arms were folded and her eyes glared at me. "Erm hey Lily" I say nervously


I knew Y/n would have told her. "Is Y/n here? I need to apologise"

Lily looked at me with sympathy, "No, she knew you would come here so she went to 'the cove' instead. The cove was this cliff the hung over the sea, I showed her it on our second date, and told her it was where I went when I was stressed or upset. "Thanks Lily" I turned and began to walk to my car. "Ethan?" Lily called. I turned. "Don't hurt her again okay?" I smiled to myself before calling "Got it!".

<skip car ride>

Once I made it to the cove I could already see y/n with her legs dangling over the edge. Before I could think what to say I was already standing behind her. "Y/n?" Her hated swiftly spun towards me, her eyes were red and tears stained her cheeks. My heart just sank.


I sat there in silence not really having anything to say to him. "I'm sorry for what I said, and I'm sorry I spoke to Grayson about it. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I made u feel insecure. I'm sorr-" I cut him off by kissing him, as we broke apart a smile grew on his face. "I forgive you" I answer. He puts his arm round me and says "Ready to go home?"

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