Chapter 2 - Water

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I woke up the next day hearing a loud banging in the distance. I look out my window and see nothing. It was just probably another attack on a kingdom I thought. I got out of bed and went to my kitchen. My parents were at the table already to eat. My mom and dad are the king and queen of the water kingdom so of course the breakfast was fancy. I sat down ready to eat. Before the food arrived my dad said, "Did you hear about the attack on Fire Kingdom Brook?" "No I didn't. How did you know?" I said. "A guard was roaming around the fields and saw the Fire Kingdom walls destroyed," he said while looking at the breakfast that just arrived. "Wow. Do you know who did it?" I said taking a bite from my food. "No we don't." "Oh," I say looking at the food. I ate until my plate was spotless.
"Okay. I'm heading out. Be back in a while. Bye," I said running out of the building. "Bye brook," my parents said to me. I ran through the corridors looking for the entrance. I ran past the fountain. I remember when this was first built. It was when I was a baby. I looked at the fountain for a little and I ran into someone. It is Kai. "Why hello there," he said. "Hello Kai," I said with a smile. "You heading off again?" he said. "As always. It's what I do," I said. "Do you think I can tag along?" He said. I stood there with a smile on my face and took his hand. We walked together down the road to the entrance. As we approached the entrance the doors became bigger. "Would you look at that. They're beautiful." I said looking up at the doors. Water running down. The doors look like a wall of water. The guards saw us coming and prepared opening the doors. As we passed by the guards bowed down to me. "Oh common." I said to the guards. "Don't be like that." "But ma'am. It's required as a guard we bow down for any of our royalty." One of the guards said bowing. "I love you guys." I said. We walked out of the kingdom. The land was vast and corrupted. The ground as brown, almost black. The trees were naked, no leaves. "Just to think of it... this land used to be beautiful." I said looking at Kai. "Let's just walk around." We walked farther away from the kingdom. Kai was standing next to me the whole time. He was being cautious. "Why so cautious Kai?" I said. "There might be something or someone out here who may be in danger to both of us so I'm just keeping an eye out just in case anything pops out at us." He said looking around them. I hugged Kai. You're the best, Kai." He stood there, probably in shock. He put his hands around me too. "Brook, I'm so happy to be your friend." We stood there a couple of seconds not letting each other go. I unwrapped my arms around him. "So I think we've done enough walking. Wanna head back?" I said looking at him with a smile. "Yea let's go." He said starting to walk the other way. We continued on our way back. I heard and felt a soft rumble a distance away. I stopped. "What's wrong Brook?" Kai said. I started walking faster. The rumbling got louder and more aggressive. Kai tried keeping up with me. I made my way up the final him to the kingdom. I reached the top. I saw the water army marching away from the kingdom. I rushed through the doors. Kai followed. I went to go find my dad. I ran down the town to the army's den. I saw my dad there talking to a couple people. I told Kai to stay outside. I ran inside to go speak to my father. "Dad! What are you doing?" I yelled. He looked at me. "Brook... I can't tell you." He said with a sad face. "Dad! Tell me!" I yelled louder. "Okay! I sent the army to go help a different kingdom! They sent a distress signal! We were the only ones who answered them!" He said. He started evaporating a little. "Dad, don't get that mad. I guess I understand what you're trying to do." I said calmly. "Thank you, Brook. Now go home with your mother." "Yes dad." I say as I start walking away. I went out the doors. Kai runs up to me. "What happened?" He said in a worried voice. "Nothing. Just go home for now. I'll contact you later." I got home. I went straight to my bed. I sat down. What kingdom are we helping... is what I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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