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"How's Harry?" Mother asked as I got home from school.
"The same." I answered and shrugged.
"When will we see him again?" Maleficent asked.
"Probably not any time soon. All the other kids hate him." I smiled and shook my head.
"Quit smiling! You'll get lines." EQ yelled from across the room.
"What did you do today?" Mother whispered as she pulled me to the side.
"I tried, really, mom. I even pulled Uma's hair. I was daring and evil. I'm getting good at being bad."
"Go away!" Mother spat.
I looked down and left.

Mal caught me on the street.
"Hey girl! Where you headed?" She asked.
"Anywhere." I laughed. "I just want off this damn isle."
She nudged my side. "Trust me, I do too."
"But we never will." Jay popped in and stuck his hand on my shoulder while reaching for an apple out of a stranger's hand.
Carlos started walking with us too.
Everything was silent. I pretended to dog growl and Carlos squealed.
"Nice one!" Jay high fived me.
"Leave the poor kid alone." Evie joined Mal's other side.
"Oh, come on." Jay rolled his eyes.
"It's not funny. Those things can kill you." Carlos shivered.
"So your mother says." I piped in.
"Really, Carlos, have you ever met or even heard of a rabid dog, other than what your mom talks about?" Jay questioned.
"Mother knows best." I chimed.
"I thought you were against him?" Jay pouted.
I spotted Harry at the trader.
"Aren't you two fighting?" Evie asked.
I nodded.
"Looks like he's buying you something." Carlos sang. I rolled my eyes.
"Don't bet on it."
"Please let their relationship end already!" Mal whined.
"They're literally the only people in the isle that call what they have a relationship." Jay shook his head.
"You have work right?" Carlos asked.
"Ye—" I looked up and realized we were in front of the restaurant.
"We better go. I don't wanna deal with Uma and Mal." Jay chuckled.
Too late.
"I was supposed to be out ten minutes ago!" Uma yelled.
"Uma, knock it off." Jay stood in front of me before I could open my mouth.
"Hey Shrimpy. How have you been?" Mal said. Uma hates it that Mal calls her Shrimpy. Mal laughed and so did Evie.
"She's my friend too." Uma snarled.
"Some friend." Carlos mumbled.
"What was that?" Uma yelled.
"Nothing." Carlos answered quick and panicky.
Uma smirked. "She's my friend because she's my first mate's girlfriend. And she's actually cool."
I smiled at the compliment and the thought of Harry.
Wait, we're fighting.
"I'll be in later. About 20 minutes, if I decide to." I shrugged. Jay whispered in my ear. "That's it. You've been really good at evil."
"Thanks." I whispered back.
"Oh, right. You're a little pirate, complete with the big hat and the hooked partner." Evie said sarcastically.
Jay and Mal said I've been really good with my bad behavior.
"Get in there." Uma laughed.
"Later." I rolled my eyes. "You can wait. The sun isn't even down yet."
"But my mom...!"
"I guess you'll have to work the shift tonight." Mal grinned.
"But I have pla—"
"No, I have plans." I interrupted.
"Do you want to lose your job?" Uma got in my face.
A hook suddenly separated us.
"Ladies, we're alright, aye?" Harry smiled.
I looked and frowned. "We're fine."
Then Uma's hand slapped against my cheek.
"Bitch, it is so—!"
Harry and Jay held me back.
"Let me hit her!" I struggled. She laughed. Jay let go. Harry didn't.
"Harry, let go!"
He turned me around. "Stop it!" He screamed in my face. Uma had gone back inside. She never interfered when we argued.
"Or what? You gonna hook me?"
He looked in my eyes and released me.
"I would never."
There was silence for about thirty seconds.
"I think I just threw up in my mouth." Mal sneered.
"You guys can go." I looked over at them.
"And it always ends with Harry." Evie mumbled as they left. Jay stayed back.
"Jay, you can go. I'm fine." I smiled. He nodded quickly and caught up to them.
"The reason I didn't find you sooner is because I was with father." Harry explained. I rolled my eyes.
"You're so two faced. You act big and tough around your friends and your dad, and then you're a hopeless softy romantic when you're just with me."
"Love isn't it obvious?" He smiled.
"It's really not." I grumbled.
He lifted my chin and kissed me.
"You're my weakness."

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