He's back after 3 years

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Zaye pov

Zaye-Kya should I wear my romper or jeans and a nice top

Kya-your should wear your romper outfit but didnt you say he said dress comftorable

Zaye-yeah my romper is cute and comfy...girl tell me why I'm nervous

Kya-I dont know I just dont want you to get hurt

Zaye-I wont he said he is done with the drug life and being at the trap

Kya-Yeah but just be careful

Zaye-mhmmm yes mother number two come on throw something on if you coming with me to go to momma's house before my date and I know you wanna see Drew(Sage the Gemini ik thats not his name it's really Dominic)

Kya-gurlllll ohhhh omg what time is it

Zaye-it's 7:30 am

Kya-omg Imma go shower and put on my

Sky Blue nike hoodie

Khaki Skinny jeans

and my Nike zoom KD 5(V) Kevin Durants

and flat iron my hair gurllll yessss

I get to see Drew and his sexy self

Zaye-Kya calm down my brother aint even cute

Kya-You a lie he is everythingggggg

Zaye-girl chill and go get ready

45 minutes

I walked down stairs in my red skinny jeans,Black sleeveless shirt with a white infinit anchor on it,and my black crochet TOMS and my white thin waist length Cardigan and y hair in a sloppy bun...I would just wait to change and get ready for the date

Zaye-Come on Kya it's 8:05 and momma house is like 15 minutes away and If you wann talk to Drew

Kya has liked Drew since forever he is 2 years older than us so he is 22 and yeah

20 minutes later

Zaye-hey momma

Kya-Hey momma G (Zaye's mom's name is Georgia)

Momma Georgia-Hey my babies(hugs them both)Drew and Sean come downstairs Zaye and Kya are here

Zaye-wait momma you didnt tell me sean was here

Momma Georgia-well he is dont you like him

Zaye-yeah but.....

Sean(Big Sean)-Whats up Zaye long time no see how long has it been 2 or 3 years

Zaye -Yep sure has

Sean-so you arent going to give me a hug like old times

Zaye-(hugs Sean)Hey Drew(he was to busy talking to Kya and making her blush to notice...I dont know why they dont just go out they always text and talk they just need to find ways to see each other ..other than the times he comes from Lafayette)

Drew-hey sis( gives her a hug )

Sean-So what has the beautiful and smart Scarlett been up to

Zaye-(blushes)your the ONLY person in the world that calls me that

Sean-Well I guess that make me special right?

Zaye-mhmm boy you can believe what you want

Sean-hey while Drew and Kya catch up for a minute let's go grab something form Starbucks

Zaye-(looks at the clock on her phone and it reads 8:45 am)okay

Sean-Kya I will be back

At Starbucks

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