Bed Peace

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It's been about a week since I have seen August and I actually MISS him we talked everday and he called me last night to see if we were still on for him to come over and he said he would be over about 2:30pm and now it is 9:00am and I'm about to get my lazy behind out of bed cause my alarm keep going off and I got to make lunch and go to Walmart and help Kya get ready for her date.

I got the energy and rolled out of bed and set my feet in the soft plush black rug that went under the bed covering part of the hardwood floors.I went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower washing with my Plum Lily Swirl Bath and Body works body wash (smells Amazing!!) and used my Wen hair kit to wash my hair then hopped out the shower and threw on my black Nike trainer shorts and a red shirt and my red and black Nike Zoom Fly trainers with a aquatic blue Nike check on them. I thew my hair curly hair in a quick fan looking bun and put on some deodorant and some plum lily swirl lotion and grabbed my wristlet and my phone and went down stairs cut the alarm off and went into the heat it was just 10:40 and it's like 85 degrees I got in my car that we finally went and picked up from my house.

I sat inside my 2014 BMW 1-series 5 door hatch back i was so happy i got it last year for my birthday.I started the car and made my way to Walmart once inside I grabbed the Purex buggie cleaning wipes and wiped the handle of the buggie and threw it away then went to the grocery aisle and got

Breyers Mint Chocolate Ice Cream

Boneless Chicken Breast

Parmesan Cheese


Panko (seasoned bread crumbs)


Kernel corn (sweet popcorn)

Sweet Tea

Heinz 57 sauce


Once I left the grocery mart I went to the Redbox that was at the front of the store and rented got Baggage Claim,The Other Woman and Haunted House 1. I hope he's not chicken when it comes to horror movies. Or we gonna have some problems

After I grabbed those items I headed to check out and paid and left and was now on my way back home I stopped to get gas so I wouldn't have to stop in the morning before church; I continued on my way home. I pulled in the drive way with the clock reading 11:45. I went inside and put my stuff in the fridge and sauces in the cabinet and went upstairs to see if Kya was up cause her date is at 1:00 and I went upstairs she was giggling at her phone

"Get ready Kya! I bet he dressed and you over here looking like you came out a cave yo hair all over your face and just get ready and ya breath funky. It smell like the garbage truck and tuna." I said to her while mumbling the last part. Which by the expression on her face I'm pretty sure she heard me anyways. "Yes mother and your gonna do my make up right" She replied in a sarcastic yet serious tone

By the time she was ready for me to do her makeup it was 12;50 I put on some red lipstick curled her hair and light foundation and put some silver and black eyeshadow to match her shirt which was all black with silver sequins going in a chevron design and she had on white shorts and black sandals. When I finished her make up my brother came and got her now it was time for me to cook I went and started cooking I washed the chicken and put it on the indoor stove grill after i seasoned it while it was on the grill I peeled the potatoes and put them to the side so they would be nice and hot and i took the chicken off the grill once it was done and put mayo so the Parmesean cheese would stick and then I put Panko and put in the oven to finish cooking and I went upstairs to change

I put on:

Black High Waisted shorts

White tanktop that said " OG Bobby Surfboards" in black cursive

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