Of Kit Kats and Pink Cupcakes (and Sass)

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Annabeth posted a status
Hey Percy, can you pick up kit kats?

Percy: Um, yeah, they're really light, so

Annabeth: ... I meant coming home from your mom's

Percy: Well I probably could, but I feel like this is a trick question because the last time I didn't drive with both hands...

Annabeth: ...

Annabeth: Oh. My. Gods.

Percy: ... Um

Annabeth: I meant from the store Percy

Percy: Well they would weigh the same there-

Percy: Oh wait... right...

Annabeth: *sighs forever*


Drew posted a status
Ugh, what is all this ruckus!? It's interrupting my much needed ten hour beauty sleep!

Percy: Well you're certainly right when you say it's much needed

Annabeth: Percy!

Percy: ... Sorry

Annabeth: And...? Come on, just like we rehearsed

Percy: ... *sighs*

Percy: And I understand that there is a thin line between being funnily sassy and just being an asshole and that I may have just crossed it

Drew: Hmph *arms crossed, nose in the air, the entire thing*

Piper: Eh, I say you're just stating the facts

Piper: I think she might even need to shoot for twelve


Drew posted a status
*scowls* You dare insult me? You have no idea what I am capable of! I can make you do anything

Percy: Yeah, but I have Piper and Aphrodite (your own mother, may I add) on my side

Percy: So don't take it personally, but you're about as threatening as a cupcake

Percy: ... A very pink cupcake

Nico: ...

Nico: Is no one really going to say it?

*crickets chirp*

Everyone: ...

Nico: *sighs* Fine, I'll say it

Nico: A very Umbridgesque cupcake

Annabeth: DID YOU JUST-



(A/N): I'm really not sure what happened this chapter... I think I just really wanted cupcakes and kit kats. But can you blame me?

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