More Questions, Fanfictions, and Immortality

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(A/N): Just some references to other fandoms as usual, although a new one is a Creepy Pasta reference (Jeff the Killer) and also some sexual innuendos. Okay, they're not even innuendos it's pretty blunt I'm sorry high school has corrupted me.


Thalia posted a status
Out of curiosity, who can't you stand out of all of you?

Piper: No one! I like everyone :)

Annabeth: There's no one I can't stand, just some I hang out with more than others.

Hazel: You can't really dislike anyone. We're an interesting group

Frank: Leo

Leo: *gasps and fake cries* So mean to me! Fine, Frank

Hazel: Alright, I stand corrected...

Jason: Eh, Percy kind of frustrated me but now he just helps motivate me to do even better

Percy: Yeah, I guess Jason and I kinda minorly clashed sometimes (okay, that one time I swear was Gaea okay) but that happens when two leader from different backgrounds have to lead together

Aphrodite: Awww, who needs Coneo when you have Jercy

Everyone: ...




Aphrodite: Well, hate sex is also pretty hot so

Nico: Annabeth, just make Elizabeth go to sleep again

Elizabeth: *pouts* Who are you, Jeff the Killer?


Leo posted a status

Hey Jason and Piper, how many kids do you want? ;)

Jason: Dude. Too soon.

Jason: Can I like, pass this question?

Percy: Oh come on, it's just a question

Piper: Wait, do you not want kids...?

Jason: Uhhh, well...

Leo: Ha, busted!

Jason: Shut up, Leo

Piper: Answer the question!

Percy: Just answer, it's already going to go downhill

Jason: Get out, Jackson

Annabeth: Hey, don't be mean to him! And you're still making it worse

Jason: I'm not sure if I want kids, alright!?

Frank: Well, this one's going to be tough to get out of

Piper: ... But I want kids

Jason: I don't think I do...

Leo: Hey Jason, can I have your sword/spear/coin thing after you die?

Jason: Go away Leo!

Leo: No need to be snap, and I'll take that as a yes.

Piper: But Jason, I really want kids

Jason: Uh, can we talk about this later?

Piper: When?

Jason: I don't know, twenty five years from now?

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