sleepy // pp

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You were sitting at Peter's desk, staring blankly at your laptop, your eyebrows furrowed. You chewed on your fingernails, indescribably stressed about the paper you were attempting to write. It was due tomorrow, and you had nothing more than your last body paragraph finished. You only had your conclusion left, which was your worst enemy. You could never seem to bring it all together in the end as seamlessly and flawlessly as Peter could, let alone most people in your grade. Peter was sat on his bed, already finished with his studying and homework. He was working on a personal project of sorts, one you didn't recognize. But you didn't question it. It was weird, but so was Peter.

You typed out the beginning of a sentence, but quickly deleted it. You groaned and looked up at the ceiling; your pickiness was your worst attribute. You brought your leg up to your chest and hugged it, resting your cheek on your knee.

"Having trouble?" Peter smiled at you, looking up from his work. You didn't return the gaze; in fact, you closed your eyes and just nodded, a small sound of agreement answering his question even further. He chuckled and continued on his work. A three hour work period without break tired you out, especially when you were working on an English assignment. You started to wonder about what to write next, and as you did so, your eyelids became heavy. You tried your best to keep them open, but to no avail. After a while of resistance, you finally fell asleep.

Peter didn't notice at first, but when he notified you that it was getting late, you didn't respond. He looked at you with concerned eyes, seeing that your paper still wasn't finished. He sighed and stroked the back of your head. He gently picked you up and maneuvered you onto the bottom bunk that he was previously sitting on. He picked his project up from under your knees and placed it on the desk next to your laptop. He sat down quietly on the desk chair, which creaked under him as he scooted towards the desk. He quickly scanned over the paper and began writing.


You were awaken with Peter's distinctive scent flooding your senses. You breathed in deeply, basking in the warmth that it gave you, and the slight buzz that was across your skin. You soon realized what had woken you up. A loud beeping sound was erupting from Peter's alarm nearly a foot away from your face.

"Shit, Peter!" You gasped, sitting up abruptly. Once you looked around his room, you saw that he was already awake, getting dressed. His pants were unzipped, and he was without his normal science t-shirt. He jumped back, startled at your sudden awakening.

"Jesus!" He yelped, covering himself. You covered your eyes with your hands.

"Sorry!" You blushed. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks. He quickly realized what just happened and began to chuckle. He slipped a t-shirt over his bare chest and zipped up his jeans. You uncovered your face, the blush in your cheeks not disappearing. It took a moment before you remembered what had happened.

"Shit, I fell asleep!" You groaned. Your heart started beating out of your chest again, and the stress resurfaced in your chest. You scrambled out of bed and combed through your hair with your hands. His eyes widened in shock at your state of panic. He pulled open his drawer and shuffled around until he found a shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Here, wear these," He tossed the pile of clothes to you. You examined them for a moment before looking up at him. You waited in silence.

"Are you going to turn around, or-"

"Right, right- can't watch you change," He stammered out. He spun around on his heel and folded his arms. You quickly stripped out of your t-shirt and jeans and put on the ones he gave you. He had selected a white shirt with a math problem on it, and a pair of baggy basketball shorts.

It wasn't the first time you had slept over at Peter's on a school night by accident, but you usually didn't have any homework on the nights you did. You glanced over at your laptop that was still on his desk. You felt your stomach flip; you had fallen sleep before finishing an essay that would be worth a quarter of your grade for the semester. You made the quick decision to finish it on the train to school.


Once you boarded the train, you looked around desperately for a sweat. Nothing. Your felt your heart drop, a feeling of regret and anger rising in your chest. Anxiety and worry tarted to build up, and tears began to burn your eyes.

Peter pulled you to the nearest pole and grabbed onto it. You slid under his arm as he held onto the cold metal and hugged his waist. He wrapped his free arm around your back and you rested your head on his chest. His warmth calmed you, but you still couldn't get over the fact that you didn't finish the essay, you were crying, and everyone on the train was there to see it.


After you said you entered the classroom along with Peter, you sluggishly walked over to your shared desk with Peter. You pulled your laptop out of your backpack and set it in front of you, dreading the sight of the unfinished pages. But what you saw wasn't what you expected.

A beautifully written conclusion was at the bottom of your page, along with a note. You felt Peter's eyes on you as you looked at your screen, dumbfounded.

"I hope you like it :) -Peter"

You covered your smile with our hand as you stared at his flawless work. You felt as if all of the stress on your shoulders was lifted, and you were liberated from your previous anxiety. Even though what he did was small, at the time it seemed like the nicest thing anyone had ever done for you.

very sorry for the lack of updates lately. school is very close to starting for me, and I've been really stressed with preparing. I'll try to update as much as I can during the year.

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