fangirl // th

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Robert Downey Jr. Your absolute idol. Above anyone, you were most star struck over him. Tom, being your best friend and boyfriend, knew all about your celebrity crush on him.

When Tom was casted the role of Spider-Man, you were obviously off the wall with excitement for him, being a lover of marvel and Robert Downey Jr. for most of your life. You might've even been more excited than him, but that was a secret you kept to yourself. Although, there was only one thing that was disappointing about being the girlfriend of the man that played Spiderman. You weren't allowed on set, nor were you allowed to know anything about the movie until the premiere, which also meant that you weren't able to meet Robert Downey Jr. But that was okay. Your boyfriend, Tom Holland, was Spider-Man, and, damnit, that was phenomenal on its own.

You'd always expected great things for Tom. But what you didn't expect, was a phone call you received one morning, nearly a week after Spider-Man: Homecoming was released.

You were sitting on the granite island in your kitchen, just finishing up a bowl of cereal when your phone began to buzz next to you. You set your breakfast aside and lifted your phone up to your face. The first thing you noticed was that it was an American number.

"Tom, darling?" You called out to him. He was sitting on the couch, maybe ten feet away from you.

"Yes?" He didn't look back at you. He kept his focus on the TV.

"Do you know this number?" He jumped up from the couch and swiftly walked over to you. Something told you that he was up to no good. He took the phone out of your hand and smirked.

"You might want to answer that," He handed the phone back to you and brought out his own. You cocked an eyebrow in his direction, a nervous smile growing on your face.

"Tom, what's going on?" You began to grow vigilant of the situation.

"Just answer it!" He exclaimed as he brought his phone up, like he was recording you. You covered your face with your free hand.

"Toooom!" You murmured.

"Babe, just do it!" He chuckled, poking your thigh. You gave him once last look before finally answering your phone. You were quiet for a moment.

"Hello? Who's this?" You asked haltingly.

"Is this Y/N?" You could feel your heart almost collapse on itself as you heard those words through the phone. It was Robert Downey Jr. Your expression dropped to complete shock. You quickly muted the microphone.

"" You started panting. Tom snickered deviously, his phone still recording you.

"Hellooo?" You heard Robert laugh. Almost like a reflex, you unmuted the microphone and brought your phone back up to your ear.

"Yes! Yes, I'm here," You stammered out frantically.

"Okay, good! It's Robert, how are you?"

"I-I'm okay, how are you?"

"Great! I've just called to tell you that I saw your speech at the charity event you hosted last week and I was very impressed," It felt as if the breath was ripped out of your lungs.

"R-really? You did? Th-thank you, everything I do is because of you. You're such a big inspiration to me," You lightly gripped your chest in attempt to steady your shaking voice.

"Ah, that's flattering, really. Hey, how 'bout I FaceTime you?" You almost forgot that Tom was standing right next to you, and filming.

"O-okay," You said cheerily, bringing your phone out in front of your face. The option came up to answer the FaceTime call, and you clicked the large, green button. His face faded onto the screen, and suddenly, it all felt real. Robert Downey Jr. was seriously talking to you over the phone. Tears stung your eyes once you recognized his colorful sunglasses, and dark hair.

"Hey, beautiful!" He smirked. Your hand instinctively covered your mouth. Tom chuckled.

"Don't be too nice, Robert," He joked. Robert stifled a laugh and took his sunglasses off. You forced out a nervous giggle.

"So how's your day been goin' so far?" He seemed genuinely interested.

"Good," A crimson blush rose on your cheeks. You felt like a child talking to him; his questions were so simple, yet it made you feel so special that he cared.

"Yeah? You been loving on Tom at all?" You giggled and hid your face even more. He laughed along.

"Well, you might want to after this, because he's the one that asked me to call you," He wagged his finger in your direction, as if he were giving an order. Your smile widened. You had suspected this, but hearing him say it made it feel real.

"Oh, my god," You groaned in embarrassment, a deep rouge still on the surface of your cheeks. The pressure of the camera being on you, and talking to your all-time celebrity crush was starting to make you sweat. He shared a smile with you and Tom.

"Alright, well, I have a press meeting in ten, so I'll talk to you later. Don't forget to save my number in your phone," He shot a wink at you, followed by a smirk.

"Okay," You squeaked, your body involuntarily curling up into a ball as your thumb hovered over the "end" button.

"See ya, Y/N,"

"Bye," His face faded off the screen, and you were left staring at your home screen. You planted your phone next to your thigh on the counter (rather aggressively), and looked over at Tom, your jaw practically dropped to the floor.

"Oh..." You began, the corners of your mouth tugging upward on your cheeks. Tom chuckled, looking through his phone at you. "My...god! Oh my god! Fucking Robert Downey Jr. just called me on FaceTime!" You exclaimed, gently gripping at your hair and looking at Tom for an answer to if what just happened was real.

"Did that really just happen?" You gasped, your smile not disappearing. Tom finally put his phone down and nodded, still laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god," Your voice was muddled by your hands. Tears pooled in your eyes as you looked over at Tom. His lower lip jutted out at you as he extended his arms to you. You gently pushed yourself off the counter and shuffled into his arms. You sobbed lightly from happiness into his chest as he rubbed circles into your back. The warmth of his body was the last clue that what had just happened wasn't a dream.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" You cried, giggling a bit through your sobs.

"Is this what is takes for you to love me?" He teased, looking down at you with a sheepish smile spread across his face.

"Maybe," You blushed. He chuckled and pulled you back into a comforting hug. You both stood there for a moment, basking in each other's body heat. You heard the calming beat of his heart.

A minute or two passed before his phone buzzed. You broke apart and you grabbed for his phone before he could. He let you take it; you two were always incredibly trustworthy with one another. In front of his lock screen, which was coincidentally a picture of the two of you, there was a text. You broke out into yet another fit of laughter once you read the text he had received.

"From Harrison, 'So are you getting laid tonight or what?'" You snickered as you read the text aloud. His cheeks blushed a rosy pink as you looked up from his phone and at him.

"Damnit, Harrison," He mumbled, not able to look you in the eye. You put his phone back on the counter where it was previously sitting and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek repeatedly.

"You're too cute," You confessed in between kisses.

tom holland // peter parker imagines.Where stories live. Discover now