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Jimin and Yoongi stay in the park for a couple more hours just messing around on the playground. They look up to the sky and just gaze at the stars above them. They talk about a lot of different things; they talk about stupid things, minuscule things, important things, personal things. Everything and anything. At one point, they start talking about why they disliked each other at first.

"You were always just so uptight compared to the other hyungs," Jimin laughs awkwardly.

"What do you mean? If anything, I'm the most laid back!"

Jimin scoffs. "More like laying down in bed taking a nap."

"Hey, that's only when Seokjin hyung is asking me to do something." Yoongi pokes Jimin's squishy cheeks.

"Then you, out of all the hyungs, would make fun of me. You'd even beat TaeTae when it came to teasing me," Jimin crosses his arms in front of his chest and pouts. "I never liked you for that reason."

Yoongi takes both of his hands and pinches Jimin's cheeks. "Aww poor Mochi. You can't be acting like this anymore; you're an adult now."

"What're you talking about? I can be any way I want to. Plus, I'm fucking adorable. You can't resist."

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say Mochi."

"See? You can't deny it," Jimin winks and pokes Yoongi's cheek to reciprocate the gesture from earlier. He rests his hands on the ground and leans towards his shoulders, using his arms for support. Watching the stars create shapes in the sky, Jimin sighs. "You know, I wish the other hyungs were with us right now to enjoy this. But you know how Seokjin hyung is: he needs his sleep."

Yoongi giggles a bit. "He sleeps more than I do."

"That's a bit of a stretch hyung but nice try." Jimin lays down on the soft grass. His mind flashes back to the last time he was here. It was only a couple weeks after the incident and he couldn't stand seeing his hyungs without his best friend pestering them or playing with them. He couldn't stand seeing anyone or anything that would instantly remind him of Taehyung, yet he went to the place that just screams Taehyung. He remembers crying for hours there and he remembers the beautiful butterfly he saw that day. He felt in his heart and he knew in his mind that that butterfly was Taehyung. Jimin recalls Taehyung talking about butterflies and the butterfly effect, etc. He doesn't particularly remember all the details but he knows that Taehyung has a fascination with butterflies; Taehyung believed that butterflies help him make decisions. Jimin shakes his head and sniggers.

"What is it Mochi?" Yoongi turns his head as he's laying down next to Jimin, gazing intently into the younger boy's eyes.

"Oh it's nothing. It's just that Taehyung would always say that butterflies guide him through life. Ever since Jungkook hyung got kidnapped, butterflies always came before or after Taehyung makes a big decision. I've always told him that it's merely a coincidence and that he might be hallucinating, but now...now I think I might just believe him. Isn't that crazy?"

"Not really. I mean, everyone has their good luck charm. Maybe Taehyung's was a butterfly. Maybe it's yours as well. This is mine," Yoongi digs into his pocket and pulls out his house keys. He fidgets with the keychain a bit before he finds what he's looking for. "Remember when I told you about my first love? Well, I got a baby grand as a key chain for my birthday the year I started playing. Ever since then, I've kept this key chain and it's brought me so much good fortune that you couldn't imagine."

Jimin reaches out to touch it but then he hesitates. "May I?"

"Go for it."

Jimin sits up and Yoongi follows in suit. The entire key chain is gold with little diamonds outlining the piano. It's a bit heavy, considering the amount of detail that went into this one key chain. "I-is this real?"

"Yeah," Yoongi smiles, embarrassed. "I told them that a knock-off one would've been fine with me but they got the real deal to remind me how precious my talent of playing the piano is. When I was going through a lot of shit, I would stare at this keychain a lot and wonder if I made the right decision of taking a break from playing. I would question myself a lot but one day, I lost this keychain and I was freaking out so much. I looked everywhere for it and when I found it again, I realized how much playing piano meant to me. Haven't lost this baby ever since."

Amazed, Jimin turns the keychain around a couple times before handing it back to Yoongi. "It's beautiful. I wish I could love something as much as you love the piano."

"What do you mean Mochi? You love all of us unconditionally. You love Taehyung, your best friend. You love our group. You love our dream. You've given us strength when we needed it the most. You might not have realized it but you've loved the most out of all of us. You don't know how much I admire you because of how big your heart is. Everything that you do just makes us love you even more, every single day. So please stop comparing yourself to everyone else because you're perfect the way you are."

Tears form in the corners of Jimin's eyes but he plays it off. He pushes Yoongi's shoulder. "You're so corny hyung." He checks his phone for the time and it says 3 AM. "We should probably get going and get a little bit of sleep before my parents wake us up for breakfast."

"That's probably a good idea."

They clean up the park, place the shovels and bucket into the trunk, and hop in the car. They turn the radio on and sing along to their own songs. Jimin laughs when Yoongi sings the off-key version of their songs and sometimes he even mocks the way that Jimin sings. He runs his hand through his hair, imitating one of Jimin's distinct habits. Halfway back to Busan, Jimin notices a car coming in their direction. At first glance, he thinks that the car is in the opposite lane, but as it rapidly approaches towards them, Jimin realizes that the car is in their lane.

"Hyung!" Jimin gasps.

Reacting to the situation, Yoongi swerves to the right and a loud crash resonates throughout the empty street and the quiet night.



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