A Day To Relax

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     As we left the Robot Revolutionary Front, I stole a quick glance at my brother. He had a look of worry on his face, telling me one thing.

      "You're thinking about your nightmare again, aren't you?" I asked softly, placing my hand on his shoulder as I ceased my trek.

       He hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yeah... I can't get it out of my head. In fact, I'm terrified. Scared out of my wits."

     "Toby," I murmured, bending down so I was looking him straight in the eye, "I told you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. You are my little brother, robot or not. There is nothing in this world or any other world that I would let harm you. You understand that, right?"

     He nodded once, looking into my soft emerald orbs with a guilty expression. I let a soft smile adorn my pale face as I pulled him into a tight hug. Nothing would harm him as long as I was still alive, and I would make sure of that myself. If it wasn't for him, I would probably be dead in the street by now, and I would protect him just as he did me. I owed my little brother my life, and I never took something like that lightly. His arms wrapped around me loosely as he buried his face in my shoulder, and I felt his tears slowly drenching my bare shoulder.

     Pulling away slowly, I gave him a lopsided smile and said, "I think today should be spent relaxing and letting go of our worries. What do you say, Toby? Sound like a plan?"

     Toby nodded, lightly sniffling and wiping the tears from his big brown eyes. I turned my back to him, turning my head to look at him from over my shoulder expectantly. He gave me a confused look, not sure what I was trying to do.

     "Well? Get on! I'm flying, and you're gonna ride on my back!" I called over my shoulder.

     "What...? I don't think that's a good idea..."

     "Oh, come on! I'm stronger than I look! And besides, I used to do this with my sister all the time."

     "But I'm a robot, meaning I'm heavy."

     "You'd be surprised at what I could do. Like I said last night, I'm the leader of a group of warriors known as the Keyblade Brigade. I'm the strongest there is! Just climb on!"

     He reluctantly did as he was told, jumping up onto my back, and I stood up straight. As my boots powered up, I slowly lifted one leg slightly for balance, arms curled around my brother's legs so he didn't fall off. I didn't think him flying himself was a good idea at the moment. A kid who wasn't paying attention to where he was flying was bound to hurt himself.

     "You okay?" I asked, looking back at him. He nodded. "Okay, well, hold on tight, alright?"

     As his grip around my neck tightened, I took off, rockets at full thrust. We were a streak in the sky as we zoomed through the clouds. I pulled up above the white fluff over our heads, slowing considerably as we made it through them to reveal a gorgeous light blue sky. Looking at my brother again, I smiled lightly as his eyes met mine, chocolate brown to emerald green. The colors of nature clashed beautifully, as we grinned at one another. His was considerably smaller, yet it was there. That was a start, at least.
     He let go of my neck, activating his rockets and floating beside me. There was a smile on his face, a bit bigger than the last, as he spun around me. When he stopped, I let my boots cut off, stomach to the ground as I free fell. Toby looked on in shock as I smiled up at him. After a minute, I flipped over so I could look at him better, and let my boots start up again.

     "I love the feeling that skydiving gives you!" I exclaimed with a smile.

     "I didn't expect you to just randomly decide you wanted to drop two thousand feet, considering how you were seriously hurt by doing just that."

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