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Piper sat down on Ryder's bed feeling stupid. She really don't know why she keeps coming back to him. He was her weakness. She didn't even like him.

"I promise it won't happen again"Ryder apologized. Piper nodded. "Now, let's go shopping so I can apologize"

"Ryder, gifts aren't gonna make me feel better"Piper shook her head. Ryder smiled.

"I know what will"

"No Ryder"Piper sighed. Although she wanted somebody just to make her feel good, she didn't want it to be with Ryder.

Ryder came closer with a smirk placing his lips on her. Piper fell for it, like she always does.


"That was nice"Ryder smiled walking into the bathroom. Piper sat there staring at the wall not knowing what to feel.

Even though it felt nice, she regretted it. Like if she did this she was breaking Josh heart. Piper put on back her clothes sitting at the edge of the bed thinking to herself.

"What did you do?"She asked herself. She grabbed her stuff walking down stairs and to her car.


"No bitch!"Bretman gasped as Piper got dressed after her long shower. "My hoe got the d!"

"It was with Ryder"Piper replied. Bret's face dropped and started mumbling things in Tagalog.

"Did you guys at least use a condom?"He asked with a plead in his eyes. Piper shrugged not really remembering.

"I can't be pregnant by this fool!"She exclaimed. "What did I do! What the fuck did I do?"

Bretman played with his nails and Piper came from the bathroom and sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder.

"I just wanted somebody to make me feel good"

"Ryder was the correct choice. Look I'm gonna be serious for a moment"Bret sighed. Piper nodded.

He collected himself before speaking.

"I know what you are doing. It happens to people with broken hearts. But what's best for you in my opinion is to get out of the toxic relationship you are in and focus on yourself. Cause honey when I first met you I could tell you weren't sure about yourself."Bretman shared.

Piper nodded.

"You need to love yourself before you can love someone else. Now I know this doesn't apply to what you and Josh got. But you are hurting yourself by sitting around and moping about this guy. He's in relationship baby, you gotta let go of him and focus on yourself"

Piper smiled giving Bret a hug and sighed.

"Thank you for that"


"Bret, you are a good friend to talk to. Just know that if you ever get down, you can lean on me also"Piper smiled.

Bretman nodded standing up and walking to her living room.

"He did use one!"She yelled remembering.

It was quiet. She went to her kitchen grabbing a water and taking a sip. She plopped down next to Bret and he scoffed.

"Okay I know I've been saying back off but like this bitch not even cute"Bretman rolled his eyes looking at the Snapchat of them.


Piper pulled out her phone making a Snapchat video then posting it. Bretman smacked his lips taking her phone and deleted it.

"You didn't get my good side"

"Oh hush. Can we please do something? I don't want to sit here and think about what I have done today."Piper asked. Bret nodded and they both got up.


"Bret! No! I'm scared"Piper squealed as the man with the snake came close. Bretman laughed touching the snake.

Soon the man placed it over Pipers next causing a ear piercing scream to come out.

"No! No! Bret please, please get it off me"Piper cried. Bretman laughed recording her on her phone. The man laughed removing the snake from Pipers neck.

Piper continued crying.

"That's not funny!"She exclaimed wiping away her tears.

"Bitch yes it is"Bretman laughed uploading the video on her account. She collected herself and then went out of the snake exhibit.

"Bretman look it's you!"Piper exclaimed pointing towards the hippos. Bret's mouth went open then a frown appeared on it.

"Fuck you"He replied. Piper laughed and they walked to another exhibit. "Oh fuck no, I'm not getting in that butterfly shit. Them hoes touch me, they dying"

"Says the one who didn't have a snake on their neck"Piper rolled her eyes with a slight smile.

"Now that was funny"Bretman laughed and they walked towards the food court. Piper folded her arms.

"I hate you"


Bretman ^^^

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Bretman ^^^. In real life his name is Bretman Rock.

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