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Princess ^^ (Bret sister. This actually his sister in real life.)


"Princess you are fucking hilarious"Piper laughed as they both walked through the mall. "You are just like your brother. "

"Oh no, my brother is on a whole mother level"She laughed. "You can call me Mae if you want too, sometimes I think princess is too childish"

"Alrighty then Mae"Piper smiled.

"So how have you been?"Mae asked as they continued walking to find a store.

"Eh okay. How about you?"

"Stressful. But hey it's life. I know you dealing with Bret is already a handful"She chuckled.

You would have thought that she was older than Bret how calm and collected she was. But I guess her having a baby so young matured her.

"Tell me about"Piper agreed and they bother did a small giggle.

Soon Piper spotted Josh and rolled her eyes.

"Why do I freaking see him every where I go"She sighed. Mae furrowed her eyebrows.



"Oh him. Bret watched the reunion at home cussing him out. It was hilarious."Mae laughed.

Josh waved and Piper gave him a slight smile.

"Go talk to him"Mae smiled.

"No I really can't"

"Just do it Piper. You don't have to talk to him all the time. But you just making up with him will bring such a weight off your shoulder"Mae spoke.

Piper nodded and walked over to him.

"Hey"Piper smiled.

"I kicked her out. Yeah there will be charges against her. Can you send me the pictures and audio?"Josh asked. Piper nodded.

"I just want to say, that you are forgiven"

"That's nice"

Piper nodded. It was quiet for a second.

"Hey is it okay if I stop by tonight? I left something the last time I was over"Josh asked. Piper nodded.

"well I have to get back to her. So I'll see you tonight"Piper smiled and walked away.

"See"Mae smiled. Piper playfully rolled her eyes and they continued walking.

"You were right. I feel much better."Piper chuckled.


"Hey Josh"Piper greeted widening the door. He walked in and plopped on the couch. "I thought you forgot something."

"yeah I did"He responded.



Piper crossed her arms not falling for the failed pick up line. Josh stood up laughing.

"No but I forgot my earbuds"

"I threw those away my bad. You might want to buy some new ones"Piper laughed. Josh nodded.


Piper furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't have to smile twenty four seven Josh. Look you should be getting home now that you have your stuff"

Josh crashed his lips into Piper. He had been waiting to do this since the last time he did. Soon Pipers mind went blank and kissed back. She didn't have the force to push him off.

Soon things got heat. He picked piper up and steadily walked up the stairs. He tossed her on the bed and then kissed her again.

"Wait Josh"Piper warned. He stopped, she reached in her drawer pulling out a condom and handed it to him.

Josh smiled.


Piper woke up to the sun shining in her eyes and both hers and Josh's naked bodies under the cover. She did a small smile not wanting to move.

She got up grabbing her robe and slipped it on. She ran her shower and stepped in.

Josh came back in new clothes. Piper was at the stove cooking breakfast. He wrapped his arms around her torso.

"Josh this dosent make us anything"Piper sighed dumping the eggs on a plate and putting the pot in the sink.

"What why?"

"Because Josh, I don't want to get hurt again. I'm barley recovering from what happened. Just please not now"

Josh nodded. Piper fixed their plates and placed it in front of him. It was quiet, all you could hear was the forks hitting the plate.

"I'm done"Josh sighed scraping the rest off his plate and grabbing his keys.

"You're leaving?"Piper asked. He nodded.

"I'll catch you later. Thanks for the breakfast"He mumbled and walked out. Piper shook her head closing the door and locked it.

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