The big five

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Jack POV

I just stood there with my mouth open in shock like an absolute idiot.

How did she see through it? Is she like psychic or something? Meanwhile Punzie was shocked too, her mouth open in amazement.

"Eeeeeee!!! SHE IS THE COOLEST PERSON THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN!! And no offence Jack, she is waaaaaaayyyy out of your league," Punzie said.

"I know, you don't have to rub it in!" I said a bit pissed off because she totally just echoed my thoughts.

"Soooo? Are you gonna go in the classeroom? That's what you were here for, right?" she asked. Derp.

I went in and automatically sat beside elsa, meanwhile Punzie sat a seat behind us, watching. Aware of her prescence, I avoided talking about anything too personal. I wasn't gonna do so anyways, but I do have to start to talk to her.

"Uhh hey! How's it GOIN? Um, sorry bout the thing back there, that was all Punzie" I said totally not knowing what I was saying and just staring at her gorgeous platinum hair twisted up in a bun.

Elsa rolled her eyes. Brilliant. THATS what I come up with? why do I clam up when I talk to her?

"You know, I'm not into guys. At all. All they do is break your heart over and over again. I'm not gonna be like other girls and just fall for a guy."

Well, that's that.

~*~*~*~*~*~Time skip~*~*~*~*~*~*

Elsa POV

After school when I got home, I collapsed on my bed. this was a tiring day. I don't know why, but I decided to climb onto the rooftop and listen to se music on my iPhone.

I was listening to "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry and Juicy J when suddenly another song came on.

It started with a soft piano melody. I didn't even know the lyrics, but I sang along. They sort of just came into mind, ya know what I mean?

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,

Not a footprint to be seen...

A kingdom of isolation,

And it looks like... I'm the queen.

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside...

Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried.

Don't let them in, don't let them see!

Be the good girl you always have to be!

Conceal don't feel. Don't let them know!

Well now they know...!

Let it go!

Let it go!

Can't hold it back anymore!

Let it go!

Let t go!

Turn away and slam the door!

I don't care! What there going to say!

Let the storm rage on...

The cold never bothered me anyway.

It's funny how some distance,

Makes everything seem small,

And the fears that once controlled me,

Can't get to me at all!

It's time to see what I can do,

To test the limits and break through!

No right no wrong, no rules for me!

I'm free!!

Let it go!

Let it go!

I'm one with the wind and sky!

Let it go!

Let it go!

You'll never see me cry!

Here I stand! And here I stay!

Let the storm rage on...

My power flurries through the air into the ground!

My soul is spiralling in frozen fractals all around!

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast!

I'm never going back!

The past is in the past!!

Let it go! let it go!

At this point I take off my hat and throw it on the ground.

When I'll rise like the break of dawn!

I take my hair down into a messy French braid over one shoulder and take off my sweatshirt, revealing a tshirt with snowflakes on it.

Let it go!

Let it go!

That perfect girl is gone!

Here i stand!

In the light of day!

Let the storm rage oooooooooonnnnnnnnnn!

The cold never bothered me anyway.❄️


Narrator POV

What elsa didn't know was that Jack just got back from hockey practice and was passing by her house when she was singing and saw the entire show.


Hey guys! I know it's a bit of a cliff hanger, but what I really wanted to say was that I am soooo happy that i got 50 reads! I thought the max would be 12 ( O_o ) way off I know. I know to most of you this isn't a big deal at all, but I'm not writing this for attention. at all. I'm writing it for the fun of it and for the creative ideas. So thanks again for everyone that read this story! I would appreciate comments on what you think so far plz 😋 any suggestions? don't worry, elsa will fall for Jack soon. this was a long author's note. I'm going to shut up now.

~Amy out 😈

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