The Snake Named Ava

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Once upon a time there was a snake named Ava. Ava was a very grumpy Diamondback Rattlesnake. Ava lived alone in a small snake den in the Arizona desert, and she hated it. That's nothing new though; she hated everything. Ava would do everything alone, including hunting. She would hunt small rodents at night while it wasn't too hot. She would also sometimes eat large spiders that would crawl into her den to get out of the sun. One day there was a large group of people walking across the desert and they passed right next to Ava's den. Thinking this was rather peculiar Ava decided to follow them. Poking her head out of the den entrance she saw five men all wearing large cowboy hats. They weren't moving very fast so it was easy to keep up with them. Ava didn't speak very much human but from what she could understand, there was one group leader and the rest were following orders from him.

Soon after Ava started following them the sun started to set and they stopped to make camp. Ava hid in a bush and watched them intently, she hadn't yet decided what she was going to do. When night had fallen and the men had all gone to sleep she quietly slithered around them looking at them with mindful curiosity. The man who had been giving the orders earlier had a long thin face and had a metal badge in the shape of a star on his chest. He had taken off his boots before going to sleep. Ava could tell they were still retaining some of the man's body heat and decided to curl up in one of them for a quick nap before going back home.

"There's a snake in my boot." was the last thing Ava heard before she was dumped from the boot and had her head cut off by a shovel.

A/N: Long time no see, lmao. We decided to drop another story on you guys! Maybe you can see how much he's been improving in his writing.... As much as you can in these tiny stories.

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