1# Moving..

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Third person Pov~

Your house———–>

"M/n!"  (M/n= male name ) Your mother called out to you as you walked over to help her with a big crate she was trying to lift off of the truck

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"M/n!"  (M/n= male name ) Your mother called out to you as you walked over to help her with a big crate she was trying to lift off of the truck. "Mom I got it" you said as she backed away slightly to let you grab it and take it to the house. "That one goes to your room! It's upstairs and the first door to your right, The door is f/c!" (F/c = favorite color ) "thanks mom!" You shouted walking up the stairs almost slipping on one of the stairs. As you walked into your room it was a good size room at least enough to fit your stuff and about 4-5 people in it.

Room looks like this but you choose colors and this is it after your things are in it!

 Room looks like this but you choose colors and this is it after your things are in it!

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~time skip because I'm lazy~

After unpacking your room you helped your mom with the rest of the house. It took a while to move in everything but eventually you did though it was late. You look over at the clock which read (11:27) you sighed as you remember your mom already is going to make you go to school in the morning. "Why do I have to go to school on the day right after we just moved and unpacked?" You questioned tilting your head slightly. "Because it's better to get an early start on things" she sighed a little. " your father should be here by 12:00 so please just don't speak to him for once.." she smiled a fake smile at you. You and your dad never got along ever since he started drinking and abusing you and your mother just for fun. You hated his guts he used to be the best dad you ever could wish for but it all changed when he cheated on your mother and when he got dumped by the other girl he started drinking and all hell broke out after that. You sighed heading back up to your room and taking out every thing you needed for school. " let's see my backpack with school supplies, my phones charging, I have my note books, pencils, pens, colored pencils for random drawling for when I'm bored, my binder/folders, hmm... what else do I need? Oh! Cloths!" You said walking into the closet and grabbing a random pair of cloths and shoes and spread them across your bed making sure they matched, last time you wore cloths that didn't match your mom went crazy and made you be late for school just so she could pick you a different outfit out. You looked over your outfit one more time.

 You looked over your outfit one more time

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Your cloths ^^^

You decided they where good enough so you fold them up and lay them on your desk. "I don't care what the hell you say! I will do what ever the fuck I want!!" You heard your father yell followed by a scream from your mother. You ran down stairs to see her pinned to the wall by your father trying to kiss her. "GET OFF OF HER!" You yelled while charging towards him and pushing him to the floor. He grabbed a knife from his boots and walked towards your mother while you stared in fear of what he would do. "Well come on let's get along for once~" he said pulling a knife to her neck. "What are you doing!?" You yelled getting in a fighting stance staring at him with a death glare. "She always gets in the way, so if I get rid of her you would have to depend on me more making you belonging to me!" He yelled laughing maniacally. "LET HER GO!" You yelled while walking cautiously towards her. "Now we can have more time together wouldn't that be fun!!" He started to cut into her neck slowly "STOP IT! IF YOU KILL HER ILL NEVER GO NEAR YOU AGAIN!!" He glared at you then smirked slicing it into her neck even deeper with her crying out in pain, you started to run towards her to try and get your father away but he ended up slicing her neck fully and letting go of her as she fell to the ground lifeless. "MOM!!!" You yelled jumping to the ground holding her close to your chest while crying. "Y-You monster!!" You yelled as your head bolted up to stare at your smirking dad. "Come on now we can have some fun~" he started walking towards you while holding his hands out. "Sorry mom.." you whispered in her ear before bolting out the door with your father following you. You ran far away till you saw a house bigger then yours with sliding doors. You ran up to it and knocked panicking. "Come on we don't wanna harm anyone do we?~" he walked towards you only about 5 feet away. "Get away from me!" You yelled and looked back when the door opened. You saw a boy that looked around your age with dark blue hair. He looked at you with a confused looking gaze. " help me..." you whispered and turned back to your father who was now right in front of you. " Come on son we are going home" "Never!!" You yelled at him then your face widened in shock as he stabbed your side. "Now M/n!" You fell backwards as the boy caught you and yelled for someone's name you couldn't quiet hear as everything started to go black.

5:08 A.M

Your eyes fluttered open as you took in your surroundings you where on a wooden floor with sliding doors around you. You tried to get up but groaned in pain as someone opened the door. "You need to rest a little your not fully healed yet" you looked over to see a women with short brown hair carrying food over to you. You being the stubborn shit you where tried to get up even though you where told to stay. " I'm sorry but I can't stay" you stood up and started to walk away ignoring the pain from your injury. "Please you could get hurt badly!" You turned around to see her with a sad look. "I'm going to miss school.." you sighed walking back over to her. You grip your side and fall over onto your other side. "Are you okay?!" She said rushing over towards you. You tried to get back up but instantly layed back down as the pain struck you again as you groan. "Ame come here and help me please!" The boy who helped you before or known as Ame came rushing over as he saw you on the floor. "O-oww!" You yelped as he started picking you up. "Sorry!" He started to walk quickly towards the room you just came out of. You sighed as he entered and started to lay you back down gently. "When can I move?" You said crossing your arms with a pout.  "When you can move without your side hurting" the women said 'ugh but I need to get home and go to school!' You thought as you looked at her with one questioning eyebrow raised "how can I trust you when I don't know your names?" She looked confused for a split second then replied "O-oh! Sorry! I'm Hana and this is Ame my son. My daughters name is Yuki but she is at school right now"  she smiled at you As you just felt your eyes get a little heavy. "Nice to meet you.." you yawned "come on let's leave him be" As they walked out you fell asleep with one last yawn.

Ame x MALE! Reader (wolf children )Where stories live. Discover now